The Oklahoma Private School Accreditation Commission, OPSAC, assists the Oklahoma State Board of Education by monitoring and approving organizations that accredit nonpublic (private) elementary and secondary schools in Oklahoma.
There are seven private school agencies that have been recognized by OPSAC and by the Oklahoma State Board of Education. The accreditation of Catholic elementary schools in the State of Oklahoma is under the auspices of the Oklahoma Conference of Catholic Schools Accrediting Association (OCCSAA), which is a member of OPSAC. The Council of Commissioners of OCCSAA consists of representatives of both Oklahoma (Arch)dioceses, a representative from the Oklahoma Private School Accreditation Commission and from Newman University. The committee periodically examines the principles and standards used as criteria for accreditation to be certain that they are based on desirable and current educational practices. This committee shall always strive to maintain consistency between the criteria used for evaluation and the Catholic philosophy of education, as stated in Papal and United States Catholic Conference (USCC) documents. This accreditation assessment will strengthen the ministry of every school officially recognized as Catholic in our Archdiocese of Oklahoma City and the Diocese of Tulsa, continuing the long and proud tradition of excellence in Catholic Education.