ADA – First Friday prayer at Saint Joseph in Ada is a great opportunity to honor the Blessed Sacrament. The prayers and music are as beautiful as you will hear in places like Mexico, Guatemala and other Central American countries.
Saint Joseph’s program is under the leadership and guidance of Raquel Sanchez. She is constantly in motion planning the next event, and her members are the backbone of many of the church’s successful programs.
As Laura Miller, parish nurse and office administrator, explained, “Sometimes, finding volunteers can be hard, but Raquel’s group always steps forward and does a great job.”
One of Sanchez’s events for the parish that the Hispanic Charismatic Prayer Ministry sponsors is a luncheon for participants at the Good Friday annual 20-mile walk from Allen to Ada. They also do a Monday evening Bible study program, a July 4 celebration and a celebration for Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Sanchez is quick to mention that her success could not be accomplished without many others helping.
“Father Aaron Foshee has been a fantastic supporter of the program. Laura Miller is always willing to lend a hand as is Deacon Dennis and many others,” she said.
She added that Manuel Moralas has been involved in the program for about 10 years and has been inspiring with his love of music and his skill with the guitar.
An inspirational member of the ministry, Maria Leal, turned age 80 in May.
“In many ways, physically and spiritually, she reminds me of Mother Theresa,” said Allison Krause, director of Christian formation.
Maria walks almost a mile each way to daily Mass. She walked the 20 miles, along with Father Foshee and as many as 45 other pilgrims, on Good Friday.
To find dates on the next First Friday adoration, go online to or call (580) 332-4811.