“What to Say When, The Complete New Guide to Discussing Abortion,” co-authored by Shawn Carney and Steve Karlen, provides practical advice for pro-life response to many premises of the pro-abortion argument. The book is designed to educate and equip the pro-life reader for “winning” the argument of abortion.
The book begins by describing how the “landscape on abortion has changed.” According to the authors, “Gone are the days of abortion being viewed as a matter of religion (pro-life) versus freedom (pro-choice). It is now an issue of science (pro-life) versus emotion (pro-choice).”
It is from this foundation that the authors, in Ch. 1, challenge pro-lifers to “Go on Offense” when abortion comes up in conversation. The authors suggest the use of various questions to “disarm” abortion supporters. For example, we might ask, “What is an abortion?” or, “Why do you support abortion?”
Ch. 2 provides advice as to “What Not to Say” when abortion comes up in conversation. The authors provide “five points not to make,” such as “rape accounts for only 1 percent of all abortions” and “we believe life begins at conception.” I found each point relevant and found several fresh insights that should help steer the conversation in the right direction.
Each of the remaining 10 chapters addresses a particular question or topic that may arise when there is a conversation on abortion and the authors provide their suggestions on “what to say when.” Some of the questions and topics addressed include: “my body, my choice,” “does contraception reduce abortion?” and “artificial reproductive technologies.” One point not addressed is what resources and help are available to a person should they choose life.
It is quite clear that Carney and Karlen have done an excellent job of supporting their advice and suggested questions with sound research and scientific facts. There also is plenty of relevant reference of Catholic teaching, which ultimately justifies making our pro-life argument.
While I found this book interesting and believe it would be an excellent resource for anyone in attempting to win the argument against abortion, I find it geared more toward those faced with the challenge of defending the right to life on a regular basis. I also believe the book would be a great resource in the local parish library for adults.
John H. Dolezal is a freelance writer for the Sooner Catholic.