Brother DuWayne Brisendine, SM, died Dec. 18, 2024, at the age of 89 with 71 years of religious profession. The Marianist Province of the United States stated he was of the Marianist Residence Community in San Antonio, Texas.
A devoted teacher and administrator for many decades, Brother DuWayne knew even as a teenager that he desired to devote his life to the service of Mary. This heartfelt dream would ultimately draw him into ministries in seven different states and three foreign countries. In his letter requesting permission to take first vows, he wrote, “I have acquired a great love and confidence in Our Lady, and this is how I want to spend my life – serving her.”
An extensive teaching career in several states included time in Oklahoma.
Brisendine was born Dec. 13, 1935, in Addison, Michigan. He was one of two sons in the family of Edgar and Ardith (Cheesbro) Brisendine. Still a high school student, he entered the postulancy in 1951 at Maryhurst in Kirkwood, Missouri. A year later, he began novitiate at Marynook in Galesville, Wisconsin. He professed first vows there on Aug. 15, 1953.
He returned to Maryhurst to pursue scholasticate studies before enrolling at Saint Mary’s University in San Antonio, Texas, where he was awarded a Bachelor of Science in mathematics in 1956. Later, he also earned a Master of Science in mathematics from the University of Notre Dame. He professed final vows at Our Lady of the Pillar Church in Saint Louis, Missouri, on July 13, 1958.