Sister Veronica left a mark on all at the Center of Family Love, a lifetime care facility for adults with intellectual disabilities in Okarche.
Soon, residents and staff plan to honor her with a celebration day on campus.
“She became the spiritual guide to everyone at the Center of Family Love,” said Debbie Espinosa, president and CEO said of CFL. “She taught our residents how to participate in Mass even though 90% of them were not Catholic.
“She sang and played the guitar, and the residents fell in love with the music and loved to go to Mass. She also sent daily devotions by email to the staff every day. She motivated all of us to become a ‘light’ in this world … for Christ!”
Sister Veronica was present at the CFL groundbreaking ceremony in 1981, and years later became a part of the CFL staff. Residents often waited by the window, awaiting her arrival, just to greet her and give her a first morning hug.
She always said that she loved finishing her career at CFL because God had called her to serve the poor, the needy and the orphans.
To donate online in honor of Sister Veronica Higgins, visit Mail checks to Center of Family Love Attn: Development, P.O. Box 245, Okarche, OK 73762.
Follow on Instagram @centeroffamilylove, Facebook @CenterofFamilyLove and LinkedIn @Centeroffamilylove.
Photo: Sr. Veronica Higgins, CST, with a resident from the Center of Family Love. Photo Center of Family Love.