The Holy Spirit is certainly active in the men of the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City. Some four dozen applications to deacon formation have been received from men interested in the ministries of charity, word and liturgy. From Ada to Alva, from Lawton to Woodward, from parishes far and wide – the applications represent perhaps the most exciting and diverse group yet of parishes, age groups, first language and family age.
Looking at the timeline, the Admissions Committee is currently reviewing application packages to identify those to continue in the selection process. Interviews by the Permanent Diaconate staff will be scheduled for the coming fall and winter, followed by psychological assessments in spring. Based on the results of Archbishop Coakley’s review, invitations to deacon formation will be issued next summer. The first weekend of the five-year deacon formation process is scheduled for August 2025.
All the faithful of the archdiocese are invited to pray for the men, couples and families participating in the deacon formation application process. May God’s will be done as the Permanent Diaconate Class of 2030 is formed.
•Timeline oAdmissions Committee now reviewing applications oInterviews by diaconate staff Fall and Winter oPsychological assessments in early 2025 oArchbishop review Summer 2025 oFormation begins August 2025 oOrdination November 2030