More than 60 Texans gathered on Dec. 5 in Fort Worth at the home of Lydia and Vice Admiral Bill Moore to share the story of Blessed Stanley Rother’s martyrdom with fresh faces.
Father Don Wolf, rector of the shrine and a second cousin to Blessed Stanley, spoke about growing up on the farm, Blessed Stanley’s calling and his ultimate sacrifice.
Bill Moore shared how he and Lydia submitted a medical documentation to the cause for canonization after praying for Blessed Stanley’s intercession, Lydia’s sister’s cancer disappeared with a baffled medical team scratching their heads.
“I met the Moores the day they submitted the medical papers to Deacon Norm Mejstrik,” said Christi Jeffreys, director of development at the shrine. “I knew from that moment we met we would do something together to support the shrine.”
The Vatican’s process for confirming a miracle is thorough, involving several steps to ensure proper investigation and verification.
“I hear miraculous stories like this every day at the shrine,” Jeffreys said. “I hope Blessed Stanley becomes a saint in our lifetime. It would make a remarkable story even greater, but we must be patient.”
Blessed Carlo Acutis was beatified on Oct. 10, 2020, and approved for canonization on July 1, 2024. While a quick turnaround, some cases can take centuries, like that of Saint Bede the Venerable, which took 830 years.
The fundraising event raised more than $8,500 for the shrine, with more expected.
“We know that whatever is given to the Blessed Stanley Rother Shrine will be returned tenfold,” said Bishop Olson of the Archdiocese of Fort Worth, who supported the fundraiser.
Each guest received a Blessed Stanley Rother Christmas ornament to conclude the evening.
The shrine anticipates hosting more regional fundraisers like this to share the inspiring news of Blessed Stanley. If you are interested in hosting a fundraiser, reach out to Christi Jeffreys at [email protected] or call (405) 438-0310.
The mission of the Blessed Stanley Rother Shrine is to honor the life and legacy of Blessed Stanley Rother, an Oklahoma priest who was martyred in Guatemala. The shrine aims to inspire and educate visitors about his faith, courage, and dedication to serving others. It serves as a place of pilgrimage, prayer, and reflection, promoting the values of compassion, justice, and peace that Blessed Stanley embodied. The shrine also seeks to support the local community and foster a deeper understanding of the Catholic faith through various programs and events.