This is part of a series to introduce the seminarians of the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City.
What is your home parish? My home parish is Saint Matthew Catholic Church in Elk City.
What seminary do you attend? I attend Kenrick-Glennon Seminary.
If it is God’s will, what year will you be ordained a priest? God willing, I will be ordained a priest in 2025.
What advice would you give to someone discerning a call to the priesthood? The best advice I received and can give is to be attentive to what moves you and stirs the deepest longings of your heart. Like the disciples on the road to Emmaus, they asked each other, "Did not our hearts burn within us?" This deep longing of the heart, only can be discovered and truly understood through prayer. Let your prayer be an opening of your heart to Jesus and letting him explore its many rooms. In letting Jesus into the home of your heart, you will be able to most clearly hear His call. This isn't easy because often our hearts are a mess because of sin, and we are afraid to let Jesus see that. This is why He tells us, "Do not be afraid." If you are discerning a call to the priesthood, go to confession often and let Jesus into those messy rooms of your heart.
What do you look forward to most about becoming a priest? I look forward to being able to give to others what Jesus Christ gave to me, and to be for others what so many others were for me. To be the hands and feet of Jesus, and to seek out his lost sheep, his prodigal children. I look forward to bringing them God's grace through the sacraments, to being a witness of the infinite love and mercy of God as he transforms lives through me. Honestly, I look forward to everything about being a priest, the good, the messy, the supernatural, the mystical, it is all so attractive!
Name one thing that every Catholic needs to know. 1 Corinthians 13.
Why choose a life of sacrificial love? What else is there? I choose to live this way because Jesus loved me first, and it is through sacrifice that he chose to love me. Jesus says there is no greater love than he who lays down his life for a friend. Without sacrifice, there cannot be love. So, to love Christ whom I call my friend, I lay down my life for him. Everyone is called to a life of sacrificial love, because everyone is loved by Christ!
To learn more about seminary, contact Rev. Brian Buettner at [email protected] or (405) 721-9351.