The arm of the Apostle, Saint Jude Thaddeus, one of Christ's most intimate collaborators, is touring the United States and will be exposed for veneration from 2 to 10 p.m. on April 15 at Christ the King Catholic Church, 8005 Dorset Drive in Oklahoma City.
Veneration will be suspended at 6:30 p.m. for solemn Mass at 7 p.m. with Father Rex Arnold, pastor of Christ the King. Veneration will resume after the Mass until 10 p.m. Priests of the archdiocese will be available for confessions from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Overflow parking will be in the parking lot of the Oklahoma City Golf & Country Club, NW Grand Blvd. and Pennsylvania Ave., and shuttles will run between 11 a.m. and 9 p.m. Admission is free.
As the son of Mary of Clopas (Cleophas), the sister of the Blessed Virgin Mary and one of the “three Marys” who stood by Jesus during his Crucifixion, Jude is the Lord’s first cousin.
Saint Jude’s body was buried in the place of his martyrdom but was transferred to Rome during the time of Emperor Constantine. His tomb rests directly below the main altar of the left transept of Saint Peter’s Basilica. Several centuries ago, his arm was removed and placed in a simple wooden reliquary carved in the shape of a priestly arm, imparting a blessing.
Saint Jude’s visit offers a unique opportunity for devotees and the curious alike to experience a connection with one of the most venerated figures in Christian history.
“Regarded as the patron saint of lost causes and desperate situations, the visit provides an opportunity for individuals to experience intimacy with someone who dwells in Heaven and beholds God face-to-face. It allows devotees to receive his blessing and entrust him with their petitions,” noted Father Carlos Martins, CC, a Custos Reliquiarum (ecclesiastically-appointed curate of relics) and director of Treasures of the Church.
The Catholic tradition of venerating relics is not worship but a way to honor and draw near to the saints and to petition for their prayers since they are with God (Wisdom 3:1). Scripture teaches that God acts through relics, especially in terms of healing.
"The most spectacular (miracle) is the healing of faith, where a new and deeper relationship with God and his saints form in the faithful," noted Martins.
Pilgrims will be able to receive an extraordinary Plenary Indulgence issued by Pope Francis and published by the Vatican’s Apostolic Penitentiary.
This event, Apostle of the Impossible: the Tour of the Relics of Saint Jude the Apostle, is brought by Father Carlos Martins, and marks the first time the relic has left Italy.