“Sacred Journey,” written by Karen Poutabaee, appears to be an excellent resource for those wanting to experience the Advent season with “deeper faith.”
The beautiful book cover illustration and subtitle (Through Advent to Epiphany) sets an inspirational vision for the reader to begin a personal journey toward the Epiphany. And, the author provides inspirational devotionals for the reader to travel from the first day of Advent and ending with the Feast of Epiphany.
The devotionals are a blend of prayer, scripture and narrative accompanied with beautiful artwork, and I found it very easy to follow along as the journey progressed.
Perhaps, my favorite devotional was titled “Star Gazing” and is found on Pg. 33. In this devotional, Poutabaee offers, “An outdoor escapade can speak to you and energize your faith. Indeed, a little stargazing just might change your outlook on life.” And, to this suggestion, I respond Amen! Often, I take a few minutes in the evening, out on our farm, to stargaze away from the blinding city lights, and I always experience God’s presence in a special way as my faith is re-energized.
The author also shares many of her Advent and Christmas season traditions. The “From Darkness to Light” devotional and the prayer Poutabaee provided at the bottom of Pg. 45, “Jesus, Light of the World, lead me by your grace through the darkness, guiding me to your wonder light,” sparks personal reflection on our family tradition of lighting the Advent candles.
As I journeyed into the week before Christmas devotionals, I could feel the author had prepared me for Christ’s upcoming entrance into the world. With these devotionals we are introduced to the use of antiphons, (short chants often sung as a refrain) an opportunity to benefit from how music can touch the soul, deepening our journey experience. This book differs from many other Advent season devotionals in that the daily devotionals continue beyond Christmas through the Feast of the Epiphany. Epiphany is important as it marks the day Jesus was manifested and revealed to the entire world, and for me, a great destination for the “Sacred Journey.”
The devotionals, artwork and narrative clearly highlight the fact that Poutabaee has a special passion for her Catholic faith and considerable knowledge of the Advent season. She also seems to have a special talent as an author. Poutabaee is a member of Saint John the Baptist Catholic Church in Edmond and I highly recommend this book for anyone striving to experience the Advent to Epiphany season with “deeper faith.” This book can be purchased on Amazon or wherever your favorite books are sold. Signed copies from the author can be requested at [email protected].Also, Poutabaee provides devotional reflections through the Saint John the Baptist monthly “Messenger.”