In celebration of Thanksgiving, several leaders from the archdiocese talked about what they are thankful for.
Most Rev. Paul S. Coakley - Archbishop of Oklahoma City “I am grateful for faith, family, friends and the privilege of serving the Church in Oklahoma as archbishop. I am grateful for the support of so many people, including our priests, deacons, parishioners and wonderful staff.”
Fr. Daniel Grover – Pastor, Corpus Christi, OKC “I am thankful for all who have kept me in their prayers this year! I am thankful for all our Catholic school parents, teachers and faculty. I am thankful for the blessing of my priesthood, and all the gifts that God has bestowed upon me. I am thankful for our Catholic radio station that continues to spread the Good News through media. I am thankful to all the employees of the Catholic Pastoral Center who spend countless thankless hours keeping our diocese moving in the right direction.”
Fr. Carson Krittenbrink – Pastor,St. Mary, Ponca City “I’m thankful for the gift of the priesthood, which is the core of my identity. I couldn’t imagine living another vocation, and I thank God every day for giving me this great gift!”
David Morton - Principal, Bishop McGuinness Catholic High School “I have been so blessed in this life! I have two amazing children and five awesome grandchildren. God granted 40 years with my beautiful wife Nancy, and, after she passed, He placed Debbie in my life. Debbie brought five grandchildren to our marriage, so we both now claim 10! Besides my family, I thank God every day for my faith, my health, the great McGuinness community I serve, and the many students, teachers, parents and staff members I have had the great privilege of knowing and working with.”
Sr. Catherine Powers, C.N.D. – Archdiocesan safe environment coordinator “I am most grateful for the 57 years of my vowed life in the Congregation of Notre Dame. During all those years, I have been blessed with a supportive community and have ministered to children through education as teacher, principal, superintendent and now in the safe environment office of the archdiocese. I have been blessed beyond measure.”
Ana Romero - Natural Family Planning coordinator, Office of Marriage and Family Life Ministry I am thankful for prayers answered for those who have come forward to be trained as future Natural Family Planning teachers.
Sid Espinosa - Executive director, St. Ann Retirement Center We never seem to appreciate our health until we lose it. And, when we do, or when it’s threatened, we realize what an incredible gift it is. Don’t wait; treasure it now. I am truly thankful for my health.
Fr. Ray Ackerman – Pastor, St. John, Edmond “What I am most thankful for is my family and the many years we gathered together for special occasions. I also am extremely thankful for the many people who have influenced my life over the years as well as the situations that have challenged me to continue to grow spiritually.”
Renee Porter - Principal, Cristo Rey OKC Catholic High School “We are thankful for all 123 students in our “Founding Freshmen” class, whose hard work and strength of character make them excellent ambassadors for their families, for Cristo Rey and for the community. We are thankful for our corporate partners whose generosity and vision make our school possible. And, of course, we are thankful for our teachers and faculty, who are committed to enriching the lives of our students. Most of all, we are thankful for the many blessings God has bestowed and continues to bestow on our Cristo Rey community.”
Deacon Larry Sousa - St. Joseph, Norman, Oklahoma Catholic Radio “I am most mindful during this season of being thankful to God, our Father, for the gift of life, the gift of faith, the gift of a loving spouse, the gift of Jesus Christ and the gift of being called to serve others as a deacon.”
Fr. Tim Fuller – Pastor, St. Philip Neri, Midwest City; director of seminarians “I am thankful for having been called to serve the Church as a priest for these past 25 years. I am also thankful for the opportunity to be the director of seminarians for the archdiocese and to help in the formation of our 23 young men studying for the priesthood.”
Talita DeNegri - Principal, Mount St. Mary Catholic High School “I am thankful for the devotion and enthusiasm of our MSM staff! Their love for The Mount is what makes each and every day incredible and so much fun. Thank you for the laughter.”