Who will participate in the One Church, Many Disciples campaign?
All 108 parishes and missions in the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City are participating in the campaign. All Catholic households in the archdiocese are asked to consider a financial pledge to One Church, Many Disciples.
How was each parish goal established?
Each parish goal is 135% of the three-year average offertory, rounded up to the nearest $5,000.
Is the parish campaign goal an assessment?
The parish campaign goal is not an assessment. Every parish is asked to make a good faith effort to implement the campaign according to the campaign plan.
Will my parish benefit from the campaign?
All parishes benefit from shared ministries funded through the One Church, Many Disciples campaign. Also, parishes receive 20 percent of their parishioners’ gifts up to the parish goal, and 50 percent of gifts over goal.
How is One Church, Many Disciples different from the Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA)?
The Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA) is a vital source of annual funding for many programs and ministries of the archdiocese. The One Church, Many Disciples campaign seeks to raise funds for specific needs including: a shrine for Blessed Stanley Rother, and for ministries focused on Faith Formation, New Evangelization and Hispanic Ministry. Some campaign funds will be placed into permanent endowments at the Catholic Foundation of Oklahoma to provide lasting sources of revenue for specific ministries.
Will my parish conduct the Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA) during the One Church, Many Disciples campaign?
The ACA will continue to be conducted during the One Church, Many Disciples campaign. Every attempt will be made to avoid parishes conducting the ACA during its active fundraising for One Church, Many Disciples.
How will this campaign impact the offertory of my parish?
Parish offertory is not expected to fluctuate during the One Church, Many Disciples campaign. Parishioners are asked to give above and beyond their regular offertory giving. Campaigns like One Church, Many Disciples can lead to increased offertory long-term. Parishioners may engage more deeply with their parishes because of the campaign, and increase their offertory giving when their pledge payments conclude.
Why does my request letter ask for a specific gift amount?
A gift amount is suggested for each household to reach the $80 Million goal. Each household’s financial situation is different. Please pray about a gift proportionate to your capability.
Why ask parishioners for different amounts? Isn’t it easier and fair to divide the parish goal by the number of households?
It certainly would be easier. However, it would not be fair and would hinder a parish reaching its goal. A principle of this campaign is each according to their blessings. Gift requests are based on past giving to the parish. All parishioners will be asked to give to One Church, Many Disciples, but not everyone will be able to give at the same level.
Why encourage pledges?
One Church, Many Disciples encourages pledges to allow donors to give more than they could with one-time gifts. Donors who pledge usually make gifts four-to-five times larger than those who make one-time gifts.
How can I be sure my campaign gift goes towards the needs outlined in the case for support?
The archdiocese has a moral and legal obligation to restrict the use of campaign funds for the needs stated in the case for support. Funds raised in the campaign will be used only as described.
Why is each donor asked to complete a pledge card?
Each donor is asked to complete a pledge card so their gift will be appropriately recorded and acknowledged. The pledge card is an indication of good faith, and intent to meet the terms of the gift, and is not legally binding.
What if I am unable to fulfill my original pledge amount?
Unanticipated events or situations can occur. If financial circumstances change, a donor may contact the Office of Stewardship and Development to adjust, pause, or cancel their pledge.
How will pledges be collected?
Completed pledge cards will be collected at the parish and sent to the archdiocesan Office of Stewardship and Development. Pledge payments will be collected by the Office of Stewardship and Development. Credit card payments and automatic withdrawal payments from bank accounts (EFT) are highly encouraged. Electronic payments reduce costs and save resources, preserving funding for ministries. Pledge reminders will be mailed for payments by check.
Are stock and planned gifts accepted?
Donors may give appreciated securities. Bequests and other deferred gifts may also be made. Donors considering such gifts should contact the Office of Stewardship and Development.
To whom should checks be made payable?
Checks for the campaign should be made payable to One Church, Many Disciples.
Are gifts to One Church, Many Disciples tax-deductible?
All gifts made to the campaign are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Donors should consult a tax professional if they have any questions about the tax treatment of their contributions.