The Blessed Stanley Rother Institute in partnership with the Catechetical Institute of the Franciscan University of Steubenville ( provides the archdiocesan certification process for our Catholic School leadership, religion teachers, and all other teachers and staff. Catholic School employees of the archdiocese should complete the following steps to receive their archdiocesan certification corresponding to their level of experience.
Please visit to create a new account.
The following video will help you navigate the registration process.
Be Certain to:
Enter your full name. This is how it will appear on your certificates.
Use your school email address
Select "Archdiocese of Oklahoma City" from the Diocese drop-down menu
Select your school from the Institution drop-down menu. If your school is associated with a sponsoring parish, it will be listed with the parish.
If you already have a account, please update your profile to reflect your current school email address and full name. If you are not currently subscribed under your school, e.g. you are subscribed under a former school, please log in through the following link and associate your account with you current school:
From your account Dashboard click on "View a message from the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City for all learners"
When expanded, the message will contain links to your track and course dependent on your school role (track) and experience (course).
Start your Track and Course. The hyperlinks in the "Message to All Learners" will take you to the Track or Course according to your current role and experience. If offered in the process of starting a course, please select your supervisor from your school to serve as your certification mentor.
The workshops that comprise courses may be completed in one of three ways.
In-person workshops conducted through the Blessed Stanley Rother Institute scheduled during Professional Development days and other times during the academic year.
Facilitated study groups hosted at individual schools. These faciliated groups may complete workshops during time scheduled for faculty development.
Through the Franciscan at Home's online learning platform
What if I have already been certified for my current role under previous certification requirements or additional formation, for example, a theology degree, seminarian studies, or missionary ministry?
Please visit our Certification Equivalency Request form using the link below.