We have compiled background information on the topics that should be covered in Confirmation preparation, recommended curriculum, information on the Rite of Confirmation, and other resources.
If you have a resource you would like to see listed or any questions, please contact Katie Murphree, Associate Director of Children's Evangelization for the Archdiocese of OKC at [email protected].
For a list of Confirmation curriculums as well as links to supplemental teaching and saint videos,
The links below provide basic background information that cover the minimum of what students should know to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation. This information is covered in most Confirmation curriculums, but we are providing this for any parents helping to prepare their students at home and for catechists to prepare their teaching materials for the year to ensure these catechetical topics are covered.
Ideally, the preparation for Confirmation would take place in the context of a religious education or youth ministry program. (Religious education classes never take the place of Mass, Confession, and prayer, which are all a crucial part of preparation to receive the Sacrament.)
Role of Confirmation
Effects of Confirmation
Holy Spirit Gifts & Fruits
Rite of Confirmation
*For additional instruction on some of the general faith topics students face (such as doubt in the belief in God) Credible Catholic has several powerpoints on the proofs of God, Happiness, Eucharistic miracles, and evidence for the soul.