Thank you for your gifts to support ministries of the Catholic Church in central and western Oklahoma. Your gifts will help bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to others. We are grateful for your support!
Online Parish Giving
Find a list of churches with online giving opportunities.
Annual Catholic Appeal
Supporting Catholic ministries throughout the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City, the Annual Catholic Appeal is the primary means of support for Archbishop Paul Coakley and his ministry as bishop to the people of central and western Oklahoma.
Blessed Stanley Rother Shrine
Opening in February 2023, the Blessed Stanley Rother Shrine has welcomed more than 230,000 pilgrims from all over the world. The Blessed Stanley Rother Shrine is more than a church. It is a testament to the faith and courage of a humble priest who gave his life for his people in Guatemala. Gifts to the shrine support our mission of providing a place where pilgrims can encounter the love and mercy of God through the intercession of Blessed Stanley. It provides a source of inspiration and hope for all who seek to follow Christ in their daily lives.
One Church, Many Disciples
This extraordinary, first-ever campaign in the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City is in answer to explosive growth of the local Catholic population, Jesus’ call to missionary discipleship, and your response – the faithful people of the Church. The campaign will provide funding for a beautiful shrine for Blessed Stanley Rother, enhancement of our noble Cathedral, our local parish needs, seminarian education, faith formation, priests’ retirement, and to help plan for future parishes. If you would like to make a payment on your existing pledge, CLICK HERE.
Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City
The social welfare arm of the Church, Catholic Charities seeks to reach out to others in mercy, charity and justice.
Catholic Foundation of Oklahoma
Founded in 1965, the Catholic Foundation ensures long-term financial stability for charitable, religious and educational works of Catholic ministries in the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City.
Catholic Schools Opportunity Fund (formerly Tax Credit Scholarship program)
Established 2011 to be a Scholarship Granting Organization (SGO) under the Oklahoma Equal Opportunity Scholarship Act, the fund provides need-based scholarships qualifying students attending Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City. Donors are eligible for Oklahoma Income Tax Credits for gifts to this fund.
Seminarian Education Fund
The Seminarian Education Fund supports the vocations and seminary formation program for men considering and studying to be priests for the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City.
Sooner Catholic Communications Appeal
Supporting the Sooner Catholic Newspaper, website, social media, app, and other communication tools supporting the mission "Go Make Disciples."
Current Special Collections in the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City