It must be said that the Holy Spirit is the principal agent of evangelization: it is He who impels each individual to proclaim the Gospel, and it is He who in the depths of consciences causes the word of salvation to be accepted and understood.
But it can equally be said that He is the goal of evangelization: He alone stirs up the new creation, the new humanity of which evangelization is to be the result, with that unity in variety which evangelization wishes to achieve within the Christian community. Through the Holy Spirit the Gospel penetrates to the heart of the world, for it is He who causes people to discern the signs of the times- signs willed by God- which evangelization reveals and puts to use within history.
-Pope Paul VI, Evangelization in the Modern World, 75.
"Since my installation as archbishop nearly eight years ago, I have not ceased praying for a new Pentecost leading to a New Evangelization in Oklahoma. I am convinced of the crucial role the Holy Spirit plays in assisting in the work of evangelization and the life of every disciple. It is my prayer that each one of us will more fully embrace a relationship with the third person of the Trinity and will be blessed with a fuller outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our lives." - Go Make Disciples: Building a Culture of Conversion and Discipleship for the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City - Most Reverend Paul S. Coakley
"Desde mi instalación como arzobispo hace casi ocho años, no he dejado de orar por un nuevo Pentecostés que conduzca a una Nueva Evangelización en Oklahoma. Estoy convencido del papel crucial que desempeña el Espíritu Santo para ayudar en la obra de evangelización y en la vida de cada discípulo. Es mi oración que cada uno de nosotros abrace más plenamente una relación con la tercera persona de la Trinidad y sea bendecido con un derramamiento más pleno del Espíritu Santo en nuestras vidas." - Vayan y Hagan Discípulos: Construyendo una Cultura de Conversión y Discipuladopara la Arquidiócesis de Oklahoma City - Reverendísimo Pablo S. Coakley