SHAWNEE – The monks of Saint Gregory’s Abbey have announced the opening of a store to feature unique items. “The Monks’ Marketplace” will be located at the abbey in Shawnee and is scheduled to open Jan. 15.
“We are excited about this new enterprise for our community,” said Rt. Rev. Lawrence Stasyszen, O.S.B., abbot of the monastery. “The store will provide a new way of serving the public while at the same time generating revenue for the monastery and its ministries.”
Brother Damian Whalen, O.S.B., serves as the organizer and manager for the project. He said the “Monks’ Marketplace will offer unique items not available at other stores, including other Catholic or Christian gift shops. The special focus will be items produced by monastic communities around the country such as crafts and specialty food items.”
Some of the items for sale will be hand-crafted or harvested by the monks of Saint Gregory’s Abbey.
“The Monks’ Marketplace will have eggs from the flock of free-range hens, honey produced by the abbey’s bees and craft items made by the monks. When available, we also will sell our own line of jams and jellies and seasonal candies and baked goods,” Brother Damian said.
Some of the offerings from other monasteries will include Monk Sauce from Subiaco Abbey, hand lotions and soaps from the Benedictine Sisters of Clyde, Mo., and breakfast cookies and granola products from the Brothers and Sisters of Charity near Berryville, Ark.
“This is an opportunity for us to raise awareness of consecrated life in the United States as well as expand the sales for our sisters and brothers in other communities,” Brother Damian said.
The shop will offer hand-made rosaries, custom jewelry, personal care products made with all-natural ingredients and books on Benedictine spirituality.