The Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women hosted a luncheon with Archbishop Coakley on Sept. 23 at the Catholic Pastoral Center in Oklahoma City to celebrate the works and service of Catholic women. Archbishop Coakley praised the faith and support shown through the acts of love and leadership at the parish, diocesan, state and national level.
Women from twenty parishes came together for lunch and to learn more about the National Council of Catholic Women and its relationship to parish women’s groups. The United States Council of Catholic Bishops invited Catholic women more than 100 years ago to gather together to provide all Catholic women a common voice and an instrument of unified action.
The Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women is an affiliate of the National Council of Catholic Women, which acts through its members to support, empower and educate all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership and service. The National Council of Catholic Women programs respond with Gospel values to the needs of the Church and society in the modern world. Parish groups include Altar Societies, Councils of Catholic Women, Ladies of Saint Peter Claver and women’s groups.
“We are excited to share our faith and resources to support parish leaders, engage in social action, grow in spirituality and service to those in need,” stated Becky VanPool, province director for the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City.
Locally, the ACCW has supported Good Shepherd School, Sanctuary Women’s Development Center, Dragonfly Home for Human Trafficking victims and the Center of Family Love. The council has participated in the pro-life Rose Day rally and Catholics at the Capitol Day events. Outstanding women of achievement are recognized annually, and gatherings are held featuring outstanding speakers such as Sister Maria of the Trinity, Father Bill Pruett and Father Joseph Irwin. Internationally, the council supports Catholic Relief Services, the Guatemala Mission and Cross International.
“Women are able to connect with like-minded faithful women through prayer, communication and fellowship,” said VanPool. “By joining the council through annual parish dues, women have access to information about issues that affect our families, communities, and nation. Individual memberships are also available.”
For more information, contact Becky VanPool at (405) 834-3782 or [email protected]. Additional information can be found at, or Facebook page OKCACCW Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women and Regions.