The third annual Archdiocesan Eucharistic Procession is Nov. 3 at Christ the King Catholic Church, 8005 Dorset Dr. in Oklahoma City. If weather permits, there will be a short procession around Christ the King. Benediction will be around 3 p.m. A reception will follow in the Christ the King atrium. Visit
Q: What is a Eucharistic procession? A: The Eucharist is the source and summit of Christian life. A Eucharistic procession is a public witness of the adoration of the holy Eucharist, conducted through public streets. A consecrated host – the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ – is placed within a monstrance. It is lifted and carried by a priest who leads the faithful in procession. Like a pilgrimage, a Eucharistic procession normally starts at one holy place and ends at another. This earthly journey reminds the Catholic faithful of their spiritual journey toward eternal life.