Q: I was taught that there was a first judgement and a last judgement. I didn't think that we would be lifted into heaven suddenly (Rapture), assuming we were believers. Is Revelation for us, or was it for the early Christians? What relevance does it have for us today? It seems so bizarre to me. Of course, I was reared on the Baltimore Catechism. I have been reading the Bible, trying to catch up.
Kathleen Billington Saint Mary Catholic Church, Ponca City
A: You are correct to some extent that it was written for a different audience and time.
Obviously, we don’t believe in the Rapture, as it is more predestination centered and would preclude a last judgement when we die. Revelation is primarily, in my understanding, a reassurance of the afterlife for those who believe, at least that is what I was taught.
However, God’s mercy is open to all no matter when we come to ask for it. But I’m sure there are multiple opinions and interpretations of the book. Hope that helps, it’s a good, yet tough question which shows how hard it is to wrap our minds around Revelation. God bless.
Father Rick Stansberry Pastor, Christ the King Catholic Church