Throughout the archdiocese, Catholics are growing spiritually by serving people in need as Vincentians. Vincentians are members of Saint Vincent de Paul Conferences. They meet and talk with people in their community and neighborhoods who reach out for one-time, emergency help, usually with rent or utility assistance.
By answering the call to be the “hands and feet of Christ in this world” and with the support of their respective parishes, Vincentians meet with the working poor, seniors living on fixed incomes, grandparents unexpectedly raising grandchildren and others who need help and hope.
During Lent this year, all Catholics are invited to participate in the work of Saint Vincent de Paul by serving as “Lenten Vincentians.” For those whose parish have a Saint Vincent de Paul Conference, this might include joining them during Lent in prayer and spiritual reflection at their regular meetings; riding along with a Vincentian on a home visit or giving a little more each week to the Poor Box that makes their work possible.
For those whose parishes do not have an SVdP Conference, Lenten Vincentians can find the closest conference and offer to serve during Lent.
“The primary role of the Vincentian is not to pay the bills, furnish groceries or clothe someone,” said Noreen Valadez, president of the Archdiocesan Council of Saint Vincent de Paul and member of the Saint Vincent de Paul Conference at Saint Andrew in Moore.
“The role of the Vincentian is to provide loving and compassionate interest in individuals. If that interest calls for food, clothing or other assistance, so be it. However, it is in loving where the contact with Christ emerges. That contact with Christ is what separates Saint Vincent de Paul from other social agencies.”
Saint Vincent de Paul Archdiocese of Oklahoma City
Altus - Prince of Peace (580) 482-3367
Clinton - St. Mary (580) 323-0345
Duncan - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin (580) 255-0590
Harrah/McCloud - St. Teresa of Avila/St. Vincent de Paul (405) 343-2938; (405) 964-5606
Lawton - Blessed Sacrament (580) 355-7837; Holy Family (580) 704-8012
Midwest City - St. Philip Neri (405) 741-0967
Moore - St. Andrew (405) 314-0414
Mustang - Holy Spirit (405) 367-3433
Oklahoma City Epiphany of the Lord (405) 722-2110; St. Charles (405) 445-0414; St. Eugene (405) 751-7115; St. Francis of Assisi (405) 528-0485, Ext. 57; St. James (405) 594-2307
Norman St. Joseph (405) 701-3693; St. Mark (405) 366-8070; St. Thomas More (405) 329-5372
Purcell - Our Lady of Victory (405) 527-3077
Yukon - St. John Nepomuk (405) 354-2743