The first edition of this title was edited by Father Leonard Foley, O.F.M., and published in 1975. He subsequently edited the second and third editions. The fourth through the current eighth editions were edited and revised by Father Pat McCloskey, O.F.M. These editors wrote some of the entries, but they had help from various authors connected with the Franciscan Order and Franciscan Media.
This book does not give an entry of a saint or blessed for every day of the year. One has to go to another source for that. The days that have a saint or blessed entry may have more than one given. Entries for saints and blessed of interest to the United States, Canada and Mexico are given too. Not only entries of saints or blessed are given. There are entries for other liturgical celebrations like the Transfiguration (Aug. 6), the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart and other such celebrations of the liturgical calendar.
The book has a table of contents, an introduction; entries for the saints and blessed, a short bibliography of audio, books and video resources, and concludes with an index. There are no illustrations.
The format of the entries are as follows: 1. Date with liturgical rank of the day ranging from solemnity, feast, memorial or optional memorial. 2. The name of the saint or blessed. 3. Way of life the saint or blessed lived; like wife, bishop or religious. 4. The dates of the life of the saint or blessed. 5. The biography of the saint or blessed. 6. A comment is given about the saint or blessed. 7. A quote from saint or blessed or some other source related to that person or celebration. The entries range in length from a page or to a page and a half. The entries are very readable and concise. They are in a summary format.
Some of the saints and blessed added since the seventh edition are: Saint Oscar Romero (March 24), Saint Marie of the Incarnation (Apr. 30), Saint Francois de Laval (May 6), Blessed Miriam Teresa Demjanovich (May 8), Blessed Stanley Rother (July 28), Saint Paul VI (Sept. 26, but the feast day was moved to May 29 by Pope Francis), and Blessed Solanus Casey (July 30).
Some dates of the feast day of saints or blesseds may vary from religious orders or countries. Like for Benedictines Saint Hildegard’s feast day is Sept. 17, but this book gives it as being Dec. 17, and Pope Francis might move a saint’s or blessed’s feast from the original date to another day like he did with Saint Paul VI mentioned above.
Overall, this book is a great guide and introduction to the saints and the blesseds. It is readable and has interesting information about the saints that might be true or legendary. This book is highly recommended to those interested in the saints or the blesseds.
Brother Benet Exton, O.S.B., Saint Gregory’s Abbey in Shawnee, is a freelance writer for the Sooner Catholic.