Catechists will have the opportunity to attend a camp to enhance their skills to teach children through Good Shepherd Adult Formation.
"The courses are open to anyone who hears the call of the Good Shepherd to serve children," said Mara Lemcke. "The archdiocese is offering two courses this summer. Level 1 formation is for those who serve children 3 to 6 years old. Level 2 is for those who have already completed level 1 formation and are ready to continue with level 2 formation, serving children 6 to 9 years old, including preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion."
The goal of Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Adult Formation is to prepare and support adults who serve children in their religious formation. The course presents the methodology and guiding principles of CGS through Montessori pedagogical principles and explores the religious nature and the most vital religious needs of children. It is a time of prayer and enrichment for the adult in a background of scripture and liturgy, theology and prayer, as well as the pedagogy of the child.
The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd seeks to create and facilitate a sacred “hands-on” space for children called an Atrium, in which both the children and the catechists can hear, ponder and celebrate the most essential mysteries of their faith as revealed in the scriptures and the liturgy. The catechesis seeks to help the child’s relationship with God flourish by introducing and pondering with the child the core mysteries of the faith in a way that is respectful of both the child at this phase of her or his development and the rich scriptural and liturgical heritage of sacramental tradition.
Focusing on God’s unconditional love through the parable of the Good Shepherd, the level I catechist formation course is based on the conviction that God and the child are in relationship. Level II formation expands on the themes presented in level I, as well as introduces themes around the “History of the Kingdom of God” and a person’s role in it, “Moral Formation” and the “Sacrament of the Eucharist.” “Sacramental Preparation for First Reconciliation” and “First Communion” are also key components of this catechist formation.
The CGS formation courses will give people the background formation as well as the skills to create a prepared environment, an Atrium, and to offer presentations that enable the child to draw nearer to God.
Lemke said, the CGS Formation course gives adults a retreat-like experience, much like what the children experience when they attend CGS. The course offers the adult catechist the opportunity to deepen their relationship with God by offering them time to prayerfully reflect and consider the scriptural and liturgical themes presented to the children. Through this time of prayer and formation, the participants are given time and space to fall more deeply in love with God and grow in knowledge of the mysteries of God and the child.
Registration for both courses are available online. The level 1 formation course begins July 8. The level 2 course begins June 27. To find more information on CGS, the courses offered, and links to registration, visit
Jolene Schonchin is a freelance writer for the Sooner Catholic.