WICHITA – Women who want to explore the lives and missions of religious sisters dedicated to service and those discerning vowed Dominican life are invited to spend a week with the Dominican Sisters of Peace to see how they devote themselves in service to the Church and the people of God.
The Dominican Sisters of Peace Mission For Peace Retreat, to be held June 22-27, will offer a unique opportunity for young women to serve God’s people in Wichita and in Great Bend, Kan. Participants also will visit the historic Dominican Sisters of Peace Great Bend Motherhouse, and Heartland Farm, an ecological ministry in Pawnee Rock, Kan.
The Dominican Order was founded to serve the needs of the day in 1216. Today’s Dominican women do the same, working in education, health care, ecology and social justice to meet the physical and spiritual needs of God’s people. The Dominican Sisters of Peace continue the tradition of service began by their foremothers in Kentucky 200 years ago this year.
The Dominican Sisters of Peace have nine women in “formation” to become religious sisters. Women attending this “Mission for Peace” event will meet some of these women and learn about their journey. Attendees also will spend time with other sisters, sharing stories, praying, doing some volunteer work and enjoying time together.
The event will begin in Wichita where attendees do volunteer work and build community before travelling to Great Bend and Pawnee Rock. The event is free, and all lodging, meals and transportation between sites will be provided.
Some travel assistance may be available. The Mission for Peace event will begin at 2 p.m. on June 22 and conclude at 5:30 p.m. on June 26 at our Great Bend convent. After dinner with the sisters, the group will travel back to Wichita.
To register, visit the congregation’s website at oppeace.org, or contact Sister Mai-dung Nguyen, O.P., vocations minister, at (405) 248-7027 or mai-dung.nguyen@oppeace.org.