Have you ever noticed how, sometimes, the things you enjoyed in your youth bring with them such sense of nostalgia now that they become your favorite?
Well, I have long enjoyed video games, and had a very curious experience a few years ago while playing “Final Fantasy XV.” I should first say that my primary enjoyment of video games are the stories. As I played through “FFXV” again, I realized that it was slowly elbowing my long-time, nostalgic favorites out of the way for first place. Games like “The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess,” “Halo” and “Morrowind,” all of which had, for me, an engaging and adventurous story.
“Final Fantasy XV” has fun gameplay, aesthetically pleasing visuals, an amazing soundtrack – my brothers can attest that I am constantly wowed by just how much I love Yoko Shimomura’s work – and a deeply moving story. I enjoyed this game so much that I found myself asking, “Why?” My questioning just so happened to be after daily Mass, so perhaps I should not be too surprised that I received a profound insight.
This game holds, for me, a beautiful visualization of the life of virtue in the soul. As I was somewhat stunned by the realization that I was asking Jesus why I liked a video game, and even more so to find fruitful reflection, I continued to think and pray about why, in the Lord’s providence, “FFXV” so moved me. I would like to share the gift I received from those conversations.
That a video game could move me from mere enjoyment into actual joy – not only by the story told, but also in the manner of its telling – speaks of God’s personal love for each soul. God forms all our hearts with great care and intentionality. He knows the things that speak to you, move you, draw your heart into joy; true, deep and abiding joy.
“Final Fantasy XV” is, for me, a great gift by which Jesus showed me his love by revealing desires of my heart. God fully knows us and knows how to satisfy the deepest desires of our heart. Christ is the King of all Hearts.
The King of Heaven and Earth, of all the choirs of angels, of all creation, wants to be King of your heart too. But, the gracious Lord does not force himself upon us, rather, he humbles himself to meet us as man, invites us into friendship and remains with us. He is always waiting us, always inviting us, under the appearance of bread.
God is going to great lengths to invite you into friendship. He made your heart and is calling to it in a unique way, just as “FFXV” is one way that he calls to mine. Look for his call. Anticipate it. Seek to encounter God every day and invite Jesus to reign in your heart.
An extended version of this review will be added soon.