The Blessed Stanley Rother Shrine had an incredible first year, welcoming more than 120,000 visitors who filled the museum and walked the pathway to Tepeyac Hill on their pilgrimage.
The dome and the towers of the shrine stand as a lighthouse to the travelers on I-35. During the day, the dome rises above the surrounding structures and is a crown adorning the building and property on our site. At night, the lights shine through the windows, from the body of the church to the cupola, orienting the eyes of all the passersby, inviting everyone to notice and respond. The shrine captures the attention of all who see it.
This was the intent of all who planned its construction and contributed to its realization. The shrine was designed to highlight the example of Blessed Father Stanley Rother, to invite the notice of all, that they could come to know of the holy life and extraordinary witness of Father Rother’s missionary vocation. The refreshing architecture, the gleaming facade, the well-ordered planform and the attractive presence of the shrine are each part of its function: to make Jesus Christ known to everyone through the witness of Blessed Stanley Rother.
In this, it has succeeded.
Every weekend, thousands fill the pews and each day we hear confessions and celebrate Mass for all who pilgrimage with us. We also take pride in offering the fullness of hospitality by our staff for all who come to visit, whether a one-time moment to pass through and see the sights, or an ongoing commitment to be a part of promoting the life and ministry of Blessed Stanley. The Blessed Stanley Rother Shrine has become a shining jewel in the Church of Oklahoma, one to which all are welcome.
Each year, on July 28, we celebrate the Feast Day of Blessed Stanley Rother to reflect on his life and teachings and to recommit ourselves to living out our faith with the same courage and conviction he had. It is easy to look at the shrine and presume the work is finished, but as in every aspect of life to which we give ourselves, the shrine requires financial support to remain operational.
Your gift is vital to sustaining the work we are doing here. I ask you to consider a financial gift and a commitment to pray for the successful ongoing work of the shrine.
A jewel gleams out of its background because it reflects the light through its many facets. The Blessed Stanley Rother Shrine reflects the Light of Christ that so filled the life of Blessed Stanley. Through our welcoming hospitality we have the chance for all the world to see this light in its unique beauty here. Help us to make our jewel shine.