Overcoming a faulty microphone and no air conditioning before his ordination seemed fitting for Father Robert Miller, who has persevered through “twists and turns” for more than 17 years to get to this point in his journey to the priesthood.
“It has been a long time, but I’m excited to start this new chapter in my life and fulfill what God wants me to do. It’s the happiest moment in my life,” Miller said a few minutes before his ordination began on Aug. 6.
With the air conditioning repaired and the audio fixed, more than 300 priests, deacons, religious men and women, family, friends and parishioners filled The Cathedral of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Oklahoma City.
Archbishop Coakley presided over “The Celebration of Holy Mass with Ordination to the Sacred Priesthood.” As he reviewed his homily shortly before Mass began, he said “It’s always a good day when you get to ordain a priest.”
Miller, 35, grew up in Oklahoma, graduating from Putnam City North High School in 2005. After a growing childhood curiosity about the Catholic Church, he attended an Emmaus Days vocation retreat at the suggestion of Father Paul Gallatin, then asked Archbishop Emeritus Eusebius Beltran if he could become a seminarian for the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City.
He was accepted and attended Conception Seminary in Missouri where he earned a bachelor’s degree in philosophy. He also earned a bachelor’s degree in classical languages from the University of Oklahoma, a master’s degree in historical theology from Boston College and a master’s degree in divinity at Pope Saint John the XXIII Seminary in Massachusetts. He is working on a canon law degree from Catholic University of America. His home parish is Saint Damien of Molokai in Edmond.
During his homily, Archbishop Coakley thanked Miller’s family for preparing him and giving a great gift to the Church. He then turned his attention to soon-to-be Father Miller.
“After this ordination, Father Robert will begin to live out the mystery of the priesthood. And it will involve a share of the cross. It will involve sacrifice; it must involve sacrifice. As you offer your life and you gather the hopes and prayers and aspirations of your people, you lift them up to the Lord each time you celebrate the Holy Mass,” Archbishop Coakley said.
“Our greatest tool for promoting vocations to the priesthood is a happy, a holy priest. Let young people see and experience the joy in your life in serving the Lord and giving yourself generously and sacrificially in love for his people. … Keep always before your eyes and in your heart the example of the Good Shepherd.”
Father Miller was formally presented for ordination by Father Brian Buettner, vocations director for the archdiocese and pastor of Saint Thomas More Catholic Church in Norman.
He was vested by Father Philip Seeton, pastor of Holy Family Catholic Church in Lawton, and Father Simon Zurita, pastor of Saint Damien of Molokai Catholic Church in Edmond.
The readings were read by Brad Forshee and Jason Murray with the Gospel read by Deacon Paul Lewis.
Following the ordination, a reception was held at the Connor Center where Father Miller offered blessings to friends and family. His Mass of Thanksgiving was held Aug. 8 at the cathedral. His first assignment will be as associate pastor at Saint Joseph Catholic Church in Norman.
“I’m ready for the priesthood, to serve others,” he said. “I’m ready to work for the salvation of souls. That’s what priesthood is all about.”
Diane Clay is a freelance writer for the Sooner Catholic.