Celebrating 50 years since receiving their organizational charter, members of the Knight of Columbus Edmond Council No. 6477 hosted an anniversary celebration on April 15.
The council’s first Grand Knight Richard “R.J.” Schulte, highlighted the accomplishments of the organization, recognized charter members and detailed the purpose behind the service organization.
“We are here to celebrate 50 years of service for Council 6477 and give praise and thanksgiving to God for the many blessings he gives us all,” Schulte said. “Our council was founded April 26, 1973, by a handful men. To those men, and to those who could not be here today, I thank you for having the courage to form a new council and serve others.”
Jack Goodson, current grand knight, thanked past grand knights, priests and deacons of Saint John the Baptist Catholic Church, as well as the spouses and families of Knights for their support.
Deputy Grand Knight George Majoue said being a Knight means being willing to serve the Church and the community, “In Service to One; In Service to All.”
Council 6477, recognized as the largest council in the State of Oklahoma, is active in hosting faith, family, life and community programs that include vocational programs, Food for Families, Family Prayer Night, Coats for Kids, Global Wheelchair Mission, Citizenship Awards, free throw contests and service to other nonprofits such as Sr. B.J.’s Pantry and Hotdogs for the Homeless.
The council is also a major supporter of the Center of Family Love (CFL) in Okarche. The State of Oklahoma Knights of Columbus collectively raise funds to support the daily operations of the Center.
“Our Supreme Knight Patrick Kelly said Saint Mother Teresa taught us that there are no expendable people and everyone we encounter is made in the image of God. So, when she was feeding the hungry or holding the hands of someone as they lay dying, she was treating them as she would the most important person in her life, Jesus Christ himself. And, in all of this, she was teaching us to have a heart that sees, and if we can learn to see as she did, the world would be a radically different and, I would say, better place,” Majoue said.
Representing the state level of the Oklahoma Knights of Columbus Councils, Oklahoma State Deputy, Dennis Kunnanz, greeted guests and assisted Grand Knight Jack Goodson in presenting certificates to past grand knights.With nearly 100 people present for the festivities, seven of the 32 past grand knights were present to share in the celebration: Richard “R.J.” Schulte (1973-1975), Dale Sligar (2001-2003), John Pierce (2006-2008), Matt Guarnieri (2010-2012), Dale More (2016-2018), Mike Riat (2018-2020) and Luis Blanco (2020-2022).
The Knights of Columbus offer the Catholic faith formation, financial protection, and family resources that can help men grow as a father, husband and leader. Men who are interested in the Knights can join for free by visiting kofc.org/joinus and entering 6477 for council number, promoting sponsor No. 1758239, and BLESSEDMCGIVNEY in the special promotion code for free membership.
Photo: Dennis Kunnanz, Oklahoma Knights of Columbus State Deputy, Luis Blanco and Jack Goodman. Photo provided.