During Advent and Christmas seasons helping people in need has become part of our culture. The Saint Vincent de Paul Society works year-round to help those less fortunate or who are facing a food crisis.
“There are so many things Christ taught about serving the poor, there is nothing we won’t try to help, all people have to do is call,” said Noreen Valadez, council president of the Archdiocesan Council of Oklahoma City.
“Each conference responds to the needs of the individual community. Funding is primarily from the local parish. All money given by the parish, by friends of Saint Vincent de Paul from other churches, the community or from memorial gifts go directly to help people in need.”
Since no one agency can handle all requests at Christmas time, the Vincentians partner with other Catholic organizations such as Knights of Columbus, Catholic Charities and Street People Ministry. In addition, local parish partners work to help with the huge demand.
A 10-year tradition, the giving tree program, has been established with the Vincentians and the parishioners of Saint John Nepomuk Catholic Church in Yukon. In Lawton, for more than a decade, Vincentians deliver 15 food baskets to families in need. In addition, they deliver 15 food baskets to Catholic Charities in Lawton for families.
Valadez said the Norman conferences serve their families in need with gift cards. At Saint Mark Catholic Church, the gift cards were donated by an anonymous Vincentian, while Saint Thomas More Catholic Church has gift cards donated by the pastor and parishioners.
In Harrah/McCloud, the Saint Teresa of Avila conference and Knights of Columbus Council #4592 partnered to have an Angel Tree program for more than 70 children.
The Saint Andrew Catholic Church conference in Moore supported the parishes’ Street People Ministry program, which provides winter clothing.
Parishioners at the Church of the Epiphany of the Lord, Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, and Saint Philip Neri Catholic Church, support the Saint Vincent de Paul conferences by providing Christmas meals to families and food baskets. The Vincentians at Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Mustang deliver gift bags and sing Christmas carols at the low-income senior apartments.
“More and more of our neighbors in need are ‘newly poor,’ and asking for help from strangers or applying for assistance is something they never, ever saw themselves doing, and it's hard for them,” Valadez said. “We are answering a call to be the hands and feet of Christ on Earth.”
Find more information at svdpokc.org or contact Noreen Valadez at (405) 706-7069, [email protected].
Charles Albert is a freelance writer for the Sooner Catholic.
Photo: Saint Vincent de Paul Society members, Patti Crosby and Roy Symes, delivered gifts during Advent. Photo provided.