This is part of a series to introduce the seminarians of the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City.
What is your home parish? My home parish is Christ the King.
What seminary do you attend? I attend Conception Seminary College.
If it is God’s will, what year will you be ordained a priest? God willing, I will be ordained in 2026.
What advice would you give to someone discerning a call to the priesthood? If you are on the fence about joining or not, I say to go for it because if you resist the call from God it will always be nagging at back of your mind throughout life.
What do you look forward to most about becoming a priest? I look forward to being able to bring the people of my parish back into the grace of God through confession.
Name one thing that every Catholic needs to know. Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist and to receive him without truly believing that he is present or if you are in a state of mortal sin and still receive him, you are committing sacrilege.
Why choose a life of sacrificial love? God calls all of us to service. I specifically choose the priesthood to serve God's people and to sacrifice my life in order to gain the sanctity of souls for God.
To learn more about seminary, contact Rev. Brian Buettner at or (405) 721-9351.