The “One Church, Many Disciples” campaign was a two-year effort where 107 parishes and missions across the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City participated. Each parish and mission raised money for the campaign, with some of the funds returning for local improvements.
Epiphany of the Lord Catholic Church in Oklahoma City was one of several churches who used the campaign funds for local improvements.
“We had been talking about our next project, remodeling Bryce Hall (our parish hall), but it was on hold until we could accumulate more funds,” said Father Stephen Bird, pastor of Epiphany.
“As preparation was being made for the “One Church, Many Disciples” campaign, our parish volunteered to be in the first wave so that we would have some extra income to begin and complete the project. After the renovation, Bryce Hall is used every Sunday as well as for funeral luncheons, wedding receptions, parish events and occasionally for archdiocesan meetings.”
Parishes received 20 percent of funds collected up to their goal and 50 percent of funds raised after reaching their goal.
Father Ray Ackerman, pastor of Saint John the Baptist Catholic Church in Edmond, said the “One Church, Many Disciples” campaign helped the church expand their parking lot and added safety features for both the church and the school.
“We have completely finished the parking lot across the street, with lights, along with some foliage, which is demanded by the City of Edmond. It holds around 90 cars. It allowed us to free up the parking lot that is closest to the church for elder members so they don’t have to walk so far,” Father Ackerman said.
“Secondly, planned changes provide better protection for the school because the main openings of the school face a very busy street. The plans for relocation will provide a safer and more secure way to access the school.”
Father Danny Grover, pastor of Corpus Christi Catholic Church in Oklahoma City, said the campaign has helped the church with necessary facilities improvements and helped to create a small shrine at the parish to honor Blessed Stanley Rother.
“The primary project was our Blessed Stanley Rother shrine that we had installed during the first Sunday of Advent last year. We got a bust of Blessed Stanley, we borrowed some items from Blessed Stanley’s life, some old jackets, one of his books actually signed by him, that makes up part of the shrine here at the parish.”
The parish also re-carpeted the office building, renovated all of the roofs on the property and installed a new handicap ramp.
“I have been here for almost four years and next week we are getting a new associate from Burma. Around 40 percent of our community are refugees from Burma, so the campaign is helping us to fund that as well. A lot of great things are coming our way in the next couple of years.”
For more information about the “One Church, Many Disciples” campaign, go online to
Jolene Schonchin is a freelance writer for the Sooner Catholilc.
Photo: Epiphany of the Lord Catholic Church in Oklahoma City renovated the parish hall with funds from the “One Church, Many Disciples” campaign. Photo provided.