The frenzy following the leak of Justice Alito’s draft opinion that the anticipated Dobbs decision by the U.S. Supreme Court would overturn Roe v. Wade has been jarring. From the constant stream of alarmist op-eds to the calls on social media to interrupt Catholic Masses in protest, emotions of pro-choice leaning folks are being stoked at fever pitch.
And many pro-lifers have been caught up in the tense emotions of the moment as well since the president of the United States argued that women should retain the choice to “abort a child.” When the ugly reality of abortion as the taking of a human life is so baldly stated and defended by a professed Catholic, it can be difficult to respond with prudence and charity.
I would like to encourage all Oklahoma Catholics at this critical time to do the following things: 1) pray, 2) be prepared with logic and love, and 3) give.
Pray. It is by no means certain the supreme court will overturn Roe v. Wade. We must continue to pray for this outcome. In addition to praying for the supreme court, we also need to continue praying for our state legislators, who will legislate on abortion if Roe is overturned.
Oklahoma leaders recently enacted several significant safeguards that will help slow abortions in our state regardless of the outcome of the Dobbs case. But, that’s not enough. Additionally, praying for the conversion of hearts and minds of all Americans (not just legislators) on this issue is crucial. Strict laws won’t end abortions as effectively as the conversion of hearts.
Lastly, we need to pray for those most directly affected: for women in crisis pregnancy situations, for their families and loved ones (who provide critical advice and sometimes the practical resources that make raising a child seem feasible), for the fathers and for the many pregnancy resource centers that are serving these brave parents.
Be prepared with logic and love. Our Catholic faith affirms the sanctity of life from conception to natural death. But, conviction about the sanctity of every human life and the evil of abortion can be known through reason alone.
Our belief that life begins at conception is not based on faith, but on science. We must be ready to explain these truths in a way that people without faith can understand. It is beautiful to share our Catholic faith and our pro-life beliefs. But, if we’re talking with someone who doesn’t have faith, we must complement our witness with persuasive, reason-based arguments.
It is perhaps even more important to engage the other person with love. Fear and anger drive so much of the conversation around abortion that we rarely listen to each other. Dare to be different. First listen with compassion. Recognize that this issue cuts deeply for many people. Then, share your rationale in a loving manner. This two-fold approach addresses the whole person: lucid arguments to enlighten the mind and sincere love to touch the heart.
Give. Donate to a pregnancy resource center. If the issue of abortion is returned to the states, many women will need more help than the government provides to care for the children they’re carrying. Hundreds of crisis pregnancy centers already are doing incredible work, supporting moms with diapers, wipes, clothing, formula, strollers, parenting training and much more.
Some of these ministries even provide housing and resources years after the baby is born. Recognizing that life is sacred both inside and outside of the womb, they serve both mom and baby for as long as support is needed. Many crisis pregnancy centers have Amazon wishlists, making it easy to give much-needed items without leaving your house. Or volunteer and give your time. If there isn’t a crisis pregnancy center or other service that supports moms in need nearby, find one online and donate today.
These are simple but meaningful ways we can respond to the current chaos in a way that honors the dignity of all human life. Please accept my gratitude for all you have done and will do to help build the culture of life in Oklahoma and throughout our beloved country.