“Saints and Superheros” – a day of prayer and reflection, sponsored by the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women, is 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, April 29 at the Catholic Pastoral Center in Oklahoma City. Registration is $30 and will include lunch. Doors open at 8:30 a.m. The deadline to register is April 21.
Featured speakers Father Don Wolf and Sister Maria Faulkner will share reflections of modern-day saints in comparison to our cultural “superheros.” Father Wolf, cousin of Blessed Stanley Rother and rector of the shrine, will share his family story and how an “ordinary saint” might inspire people to live their lives for Christ. Sister Maria of the Trinity, with Gospel of Life Disciples and Dwellings, will give insights about saints as superheroes.
A panel discussion highlighting local pro-life heroes will feature Father Nabil Mouannes, Sister Veronica Higgins, Deacon Joe Vandervort and Racheal Singley, LCSW.
Father Nabil is pastor of Our Lady of Lebanon Catholic Church in Norman, Sister Veronica works with the Center of Family Love in Okarche, Deacon Joe Vandervort is coordinator of the archdiocesan Respect Life Ministry and Marriage Formation office and Racheal Singley is the director of Sanctuary Women’s Development Center, the Catholic Charities’ day center for women in Stockyard City.
The Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women, an affiliate of the National Council of Catholic Women, is an organization that unites all Catholic women to the needs of the Church and society through spirituality, leadership development and service. Local parish women’s groups and individuals are invited to become members of the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City.
For more information contact Mary Ann Schmitt at (405) 650-9674 or [email protected]. Registration information is also online at okcaccw.com/events and on Facebook.