On April 5 and 6, Oklahoma Catholic Radio listeners had the opportunity to hear stories from other Oklahomans about how Catholic radio changed their lives.
As part of the Spring Radiothon to raise funds for the listener-supported Catholic Radio network in Oklahoma, several priests and other special guests were live on the air to talk about how Catholic radio has enriched their faith.
One of the on-air guests was Father Joseph Irwin, who summed up the purpose and importance of the radiothon this way, “In my opinion, Catholic radio is among some of the most effective tools we have for evangelization and encountering the truth of our Catholic faith. It is essential for us to support and keep Catholic radio on the air.”
Since 2006, co-founders Jeff Finnell and Deacon Larry Sousa have worked to bring Catholic radio programming to the Sooner State. There are currently 12 Catholic radio stations in Oklahoma, two of which are Spanish speaking. Catholic Radio is a unique tool in that it can educate Catholics about their faith and evangelize non-Catholics at the same time, and it can do so 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
“My wife Kathy and I have learned so much about our faith from listening to Catholic radio,” Finnell said.
“We are both cradle Catholics who went through 12 years of Catholic education, and when we graduated high school, we thought we knew our faith. It wasn’t until we started listening to EWTN and Catholic radio that we realized we didn’t know what we didn’t know. Our Catholic faith is so rich and full that there is always something more to learn about it.”
Not a trained apologist? Catholic radio can help. Deacon Sousa said, “if people are not equipped to talk about the faith, they can simply point someone to Catholic radio to get the answers they seek. An added benefit of radio is that everyone can listen anonymously to get the correct information they need.”
Continuous Catholic programming is a blessing to Catholics and non-Catholics alike. Radio staff members frequently hear that someone stumbled across the station by accident and have been listening ever since. They’ve gotten stories of conversions, restoration of faith and strengthening of relationships with Jesus because of something they heard on Catholic radio.
“It feeds the soul,” Deacon Sousa said.
Oklahoma Catholic Radio is an affiliate of EWTN. The network recently got permission to add seven more stations.
Deacon Sousa said he loves to hear when people from Oklahoma call in to national Catholic radio programs such as “Catholic Answers Live” or “Call to Communion with Dr. David Anders.”
Of course, operating and expanding a robust radio network is an expensive project. For each station there are licensing, permitting, utility and other overhead costs that must be met to continue to provide quality programming.
Deacon Sousa said making a commitment to a monthly gift is especially helpful because that allows the staff to plan and budget. People who give monthly are called “Keepers of the Airwaves.”
All gifts to Oklahoma Catholic Radio are tax deductible.
Debi Wagner is a freelance writer for the Sooner Catholic.
Support Oklahoma Catholic Radio! Visit OKCR.org (833) 652-7234
Archbishop Coakley and Carly Akard (top), communications director for Catholic Charities, participated in the Oklahoma Catholic Radio Spring Radiothon April 5-6. Photos Avery Holt/Sooner Catholic.