VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- The Sixth Commandment's mandate against adultery is a call to fidelity that applies not only to married couples, but to all Christians called to love others through their vocation, Pope Francis said.
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- How is it that God in heaven can hear the cries of the poor, but so many people watching or standing nearby either cannot or just do not care, Pope Francis asked.
by Pedro A. Moreno, O.P. Secretariado de Evangelización y Catequesis
Jesús bajó del cielo por cada uno de nosotros y nuestra salvación. Un elemento importante de ese proceso de salvación fue restaurar la creación a la pureza de sus orígenes. La pureza es esencial si quieres acercarte a Dios o servirle.
CIUDAD DEL VATICANO – Obispos de Chile y Puerto Rico dijeron en el Sínodo de los Obispos que la iglesia tiene que hacer más para ayudar a los jóvenes a vivir su fe e involucrarlos en la vida eclesial, en vez de dejarlos que encuentren dirección en otra parte. El obispo Moisés Atisha Contreras de San Marcos de Arica, Chile, les dijo a los miembros del sínodo el 16 de octubre que los jóvenes no han dejado de creer en Dios y que ellos continúan buscando lo trascendental "en otros lugares y experiencias".
Calls to a religious vocation can be as varied and diverse as the people who respond to them. The daughter of Don and Denise Heard, Darby Heard, formed her love of the Eucharist as a child attending Saint John Nepomuk in Yukon. When she left home to attend East Central University, she called Saint Joseph in Ada her spiritual home. She heard the vocational call to the convent at both parishes.
Spiritual direction has been a part of Christianity from its earliest days. In the Acts of the Apostles, Timothy seeks Paul’s guidance as he matures in his faith, and Saint Philip offered guidance to the Ethiopians. Catholics throughout the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City are blessed to have more than 50 extensively-trained spiritual directors.
Many Oklahoma football fans are too young to remember Tommy McDonald, but his exploits on and off the field are truly remarkable. He was only 5’8” and about 175 pounds and, even by NFL standards of the 50s and 60s, was considered way too small. However, he said “No one could measure my heart and God gave me a large one.”
by Jim Beckman, executive director of the Secretariat for Evangelization and Catechesis
Just so we’re all on the same page, let’s begin by briefly talking about what the term postmodern actually means. It refers to an “era” of time. The “Postmodern Era” began in the early 20th Century. It was preceded by the “Modern Era” (17th Century to the early 20th Century), which was preceded by the “Pre-Modern Era” (16th Century and before). Universities devote entire semesters to studying just one of these time periods. We don’t have time here to delve into all the details like that, however, it is possible to look at the marking characteristics of this time we call “postmodern.”
by Pedro A. Moreno, O.P. Secretariat for Evangelization and Catechesis
Jesus came down from heaven for each one of us and our salvation. An important element of that salvation process was to restore creation to the purity of its origins. Purity is essential if you want to get closer to God or serve Him.
The book’s cover shows an appealing, freshly baked pizza cut into six pieces. Above it is a cross fashioned of a vertical knife and a horizontal fork. All of this is set against a gray background with the book’s title in plain white letters, “Pizza with Jesus (No Black Olives).” The cover is like the story told by its author, P.J. Frick, who shows us the very ordinary and sometimes tragic events of her life, transformed into a blessed setting where faith, hope and love have nourished her soul and allowed her to survive and grow.
When Brother Jim Peterson, O.F.M. Cap., was in middle school and high school, he felt like every time someone prayed for vocations, they were praying for him.
WASHINGTON (CNS) -- Days after the Catholic Church declared Salvadoran Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero a saint, a judge in El Salvador issued a capture order for a former military captain suspected of killing the religious leader in 1980 as he celebrated Mass.
A través del profeta Jeremías, el Señor promete: "Les pondré pastores según mi corazón" (Jer. 3:15). Dios cumple sus promesas. En este momento, todos estamos muy conscientes de nuestra necesidad de que los buenos pastores guíen y protejan al rebaño confiado a su cuidado. Estoy especialmente agradecido por los tres buenos pastores que me han inspirado en mis 35 años como sacerdote y casi 14 años como obispo.
Through the prophet Jeremiah the Lord promises, “I will give you shepherds after my own heart” (Jer. 3:15). God keeps his promises. At this moment, we are all deeply aware of our need for good shepherds to lead, guide and protect the flock entrusted to their care.
Extractos del discurso de Su Excelencia el Arzobispo Christophe Pierre Nuncio Apostólico para los Estados Unidos en el V Encuentro Nacional, 20 de septiembre de 2018
ROME (CNS) -- Blesseds Paul VI and Oscar Romero crossed paths on their road to sainthood and formed a personal friendship that strengthened each other's resolve in the face of growing challenges, an Italian professor said.
HOUSTON (CNS) -- In an action to be more transparent, the 15 Catholic dioceses in Texas will release the names of clergy who were credibly accused of sexually abusing a minor, according to an Oct. 10 statement issued by the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops in Austin.