A principios de este mes, viajé a Baltimore para la Asamblea Plenaria de Otoño de la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos. Fui con un sentido de anticipación y propósito.
Earlier this month, I travelled to Baltimore for the Fall Plenary Assembly of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. I went with a sense of anticipation and purpose.
by Pedro A. Moreno, O.P. Secretariado de Evangelización y Catequesis
Hace unos 136 años, el famoso personaje Pinocho nació en Italia. Fue en Roma, el 22 de diciembre de 1882, cuando una publicación infantil con el título "Giornale per i bambini" publicó la novela infantil de Carlo Lorenzini, "Las Aventuras de Pinocho".
El día 4 de noviembre en la parroquia Epiphany of the Lord, a través de la Oficina de Ministerio Hispano y Diversidad cultural, con el auspicio del Instituto Beato S. Rother, realizó el Tercer Taller de Catequesis Pre-Bautismal, participativa y evangelizadora. Esta vez asistieron 51 actuales y futuros catequistas hispanos, de un total de 9 parroquias, de dentro y de fuera de Oklahoma City. Lo que se aprende aquí es a hacer las pláticas, presentando las enseñanzas del Catecismo de manera dinámica y evangelizadora.
The Oklahoma Higher Education Heritage Society has inducted the monks of Saint Gregory’s Abbey, past and present, into the Oklahoma Higher Education Hall of Fame. The recognition was bestowed during a banquet at the University of Central Oklahoma on Nov. 5.
A few years ago, Leesa Neidel’s life looked completely different. Neidel, an Oklahoma native who grew up in Tuttle, said it was only a few years ago she decided to pursue a career in acting, a profession she admits being initially intimidated by, but ultimately has come to love.
The annual Retirement Fund for Religious collection will be held Dec. 8-9 in the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City. Coordinated by the National Religious Retirement Office in Washington, the appeal benefits 31,000 elderly Catholic sisters, brothers and religious order priests.
OKARCHE – The Center of Family Love is sharing its Amazon Smile Wishlist for the organization’s necessities. This Christmas season, The Center of Family Love needs people. Whether it is by making a monetary donation, volunteering time, donating an item on a resident’s Christmas Wish List or donating an item from the organizational Amazon Smile Wishlist, The Center of Family Love needs support.
by Jim Beckman, executive director of the Secretariat for Evangelization and Catechesis
This time of year stirs up gratitude for most of us. As Thanksgiving approaches, many are looking back over the past year, and reminiscing the blessings received. I know this year I have many things I am grateful for. It’s our second Thanksgiving in Oklahoma.
by Pedro A. Moreno, O.P. Secretariat for Evangelization and Catechesis
Some 136 years ago, the famous character Pinocchio was born in Italy. It was in Rome, Dec. 22, 1882, when a children’s publication with the title “Giornale per i bambini,” published Carlo Lorenzini’s children's novel, “The Adventures of Pinocchio.”
On Nov. 4 at Epiphany of the Lord Catholic Church in Oklahoma City, the Office of Hispanic Ministry and Cultural Diversity and the Bl. Stanley Rother Institute provided a workshop to prepare leaders for catechesis.
The book’s cover is a full-color copy of “Landscape with Christ and His Disciples on the Road to Emmaus” by Jan Wildens (1586-1653); the original oil painting is located in The Hermitage in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Cuando esta edición del Sooner Catholic llegue a los hogares de la arquidiócesis, los obispos de los Estados Unidos, incluyéndome a mí mismo, se reunirán en Baltimore para nuestra Asamblea General de otoño.
As this issue of the Sooner Catholic reaches homes across the archdiocese, the bishops of the United States, myself included, will be gathering in Baltimore for our fall General Assembly.