by Pedro A. Moreno, O.P. Secretariado de Evangelización y Catequesis
Los profetas tienen una capacidad única para recordarnos cuán necesitados están las personas de Dios, originalmente el pueblo judío y ahora también todos nosotros, de ser fieles a nuestra relación con Dios, la alianza.
Ha sido una maratón, pero a partir del 31 de mayo, la histórica campaña "Una Iglesia, Muchos Discípulos" ha finalizado oficialmente. Ahora es el momento de mirar hacia atrás, evaluar los resultados y, lo más importante, expresar gratitud. ¡Gracias!
It has been a marathon, but as of May 31 the historic “One Church, Many Disciples” campaign officially has ended. Now is the time to look back, assess the results and, most importantly, to express gratitude. Thank you!
WASHINGTON (CNS) -- Catholic communications in all forms -- print, digital, broadcast, social media -- are essential to informing the Catholic faithful about the Catholic Church, two church communicators told Catholic News Service.
TORONTO (CNS) -- A long-standing tradition will end this summer as the Knights of Columbus discard the ceremonial capes and plumed chapeaus of its fourth-degree members.
OKARCHE – The Center of Family Love announced plans to expand their facility in Okarche after receiving a $1 million grant from the Newfield Foundation, an employee-driven organization of Newfield Exploration Company.
"Vos estis lux mundi.” “You are the light of the world. … Our Lord Jesus Christ calls every believer to be a shining example of virtue, integrity and holiness.”
Women from parishes across Oklahoma gathered May 3-5 in Oklahoma City for the Catholic Daughters of the Americas 47th Biennial Oklahoma State Convention. The theme for the convention was, “Be Still, Listen, Be Blessed.”
The missionary disciples of the Gospel of Life School are volunteers who live and serve at the Saint. James Dwelling in Oklahoma City and the Saint John Paul II Dwelling in Moore.
Most people recognize the importance of obtaining consent before retrieving organs from the bodies of deceased persons. They also understand the necessity of showing respect for those bodily remains following death.
by Jim Beckman, director of the Secretariat for Evangelization and Catechesis
In his new pastoral letter released this past January, Archbishop Coakley said, “Since my installation as archbishop nearly eight years ago, I have not ceased praying for a new Pentecost leading to a New Evangelization in Oklahoma.
by Pedro A. Moreno, O.P. Secretariat for Evangelization and Catechesis
The prophets have a unique ability to remind us of just how in need are God´s people, originally our Jewish elder brothers and sisters and now all of us too, of being faithful to our deep covenant relationship with God.
As a Catholic business owner, manager or employee, would you consider it “ethical” for your business organization to dispense contraceptives to employees as a health plan benefit?
I must confess “33 Days to Morning Glory: A Do-It-Yourself Retreat In Preparation for Marian Consecration” by Father Michael E. Gaitley, M.I.C., was quite illuminating. This book’s design and format are easy to read.
The typical member of the priestly ordination class of 2019 is a 33-year-old cradle Catholic, according to a recently released survey of 379 of the 481 men slated to be ordained to the priesthood in the United States this year. The survey was conducted for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops by the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate.
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Christian family life is a vocation and, when lived with fidelity, it is a path to holiness, said the Vatican Dicastery for Laity, the Family and Life.
Creo que todos aceptaríamos que los últimos años han sido tiempos de rápidos cambios en nuestro mundo, en nuestra nación, en nuestra Iglesia y en nuestra arquidiócesis.