WASHINGTON (CNS) -- The 1919 "Bishops' Program for Social Reconstruction" was showcased in this year's Labor Day statement to demonstrate how so many of the issues the bishops touched upon a century ago in the wake of World War I's end still resonate in improving the conditions of workers today.
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Describing the Amazon rainforest as "vital for our planet," Pope Francis joined the regions bishops in praying for action to extinguish the massive fires burning there.
OKLAHOMA CITY - El arzobispo Paul Coakley anunció el martes que la inauguración del Santuario dedicado al Beato Stanley Rother será el domingo 3 de noviembre.
El pecado corrompe todo lo que toca. Los terribles efectos del pecado incluyen un oscurecimiento de nuestro intelecto y un debilitamiento de nuestra voluntad. El pecado nos ciega. Nos debilita. La fe nos ilumina. Sin embargo, la reflexión honesta nos confronta con el hecho de que, aunque los cristianos hemos sido iluminados por el don de la fe y fortalecidos por la gracia del Espíritu Santo, los efectos del pecado nos han dejado con puntos ciegos y debilidades morales.
Sin corrupts everything it touches. The terrible effects of sin include a darkening of our intellect and a weakening of our will. Sin blinds us. It weakens us. Faith enlightens us.
by Pedro A. Moreno, O.P. Secretariado de Evangelización y Catequesis
El cuarto Evangelio se atribuye Juan el apóstol, el "discípulo amado", hijo de Zebedeo. Este testimonio escrito e inspirado por Dios de nuestro Señor y Salvador Jesucristo es muy diferente de los tres evangelios anteriores. Juan es el evangelio más teológico y la profundidad de pensamiento, combinado con las alturas de sus ideas, nos invitan a saborearlo lentamente y con mucha oración y reflexión.
The Archdiocese of Oklahoma City has more than 50 volunteers who continuously visit nine state prisons, three federal prisons and a number of smaller state facilities and county jails. The archdiocesan program is coordinated by Deacon Jim Smith.
Earlier this summer, discerners from around Oklahoma met at Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Youth Camp to attend a discernment retreat called, “Quo Vadis Days,” hosted by the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City.
A trio of Catholic educators from Oklahoma City's Saint Charles Borromeo Catholic School are now accredited Trustey Fellows from the prestigious Notre Dame Center for STEM Education.
by Pedro A. Moreno, O.P. Secretariat for Evangelization and Catechesis
The fourth Gospel is attributed to the apostle John, the “beloved disciple,” son of Zebedee. This God-inspired written witness to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is very different from the previous three gospels. John is the most theological gospel and the depth of thought, combined with the heights of its insights, invites us to savor it slowly and with a lot of prayer and reflection.
by Anamaria Scaperlanda Biddick, the Sooner Catholic
My third child was set to arrive in a few short weeks. A third daughter. It was time to finalize preparations for her arrival: clean the house, set up the bassinet and clear out a dresser drawer for her clothes.
Father John Bloms, O.S.B., who left this life in 1974 at the relatively young age of 57, is still remembered fondly by the community of Saint Gregory’s Abbey and the Diocese of Oklahoma City and Tulsa. The mention of his name evokes admiration, laughter and a constantly brewing sense of controversy.
Those of us who have grown up within the womb of a democratic society may not always recognize how radical the idea behind such a society actually is, nor how fragile its structure can be in the face of strident claims regarding individual freedoms. Legalization of abortion, to focus on one of the most strident claims, corrodes the very pillars of our democratic society.
Parents around the country are preparing their children for the beginning of school. Stores, too, roll out their back-to-school sales on everything from backpacks to running shoes, pens and paper, books and clothes. It’s a rush of activity.
GALLUP, N.M. (CNS) — The rosary walk at a new shrine to be built in the Gallup Diocese to honor St. Kateri Tekakwitha “will imitate” the life and example of the Native American saint, popularly known as the “Lily of the Mohawks,” said Gallup Bishop James S. Wall.
WASHINGTON (CNS) -- "Guys, I think Brandon is dead." This is what Brandon Gosselin heard, lying in shock and a pool of his own blood, the left side of his face mangled where it had skidded across the gravel after he was hurled over the handlebars of his Four Wheeler traveling at 50 mph. He hit a deer. The Four Wheeler stopped. Gosselin didn't.
After the Land Run of 1889, El Reno was slow to emerge as a town, but missionary activity began in earnest with the arrival of the Benedictine priest Germanus Guillaume in 1890. Fort Reno had been established in 1874 as a U.S. Army post named after Civil War Gen. Jesse Reno.
The American Indian Catholic Outreach Office for the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City named its inaugural princess during the archdiocese’s first-ever Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Honor Dance on July 6 at Saint John Nepomuk in Yukon.
"Oklahoma está demasiado familiarizado con los violentos resultados del odio. Mientras El Paso lamenta esta pérdida y lucha por entender por qué, cada uno de nosotros debe volver a comprometerse con la vida diaria de oración, respeto y misericordia a pesar de nuestras diferencias de opinión o religión o política. Nuestra sociedad ha alcanzado un nuevo nivel de desprecio insensible por lo sagrado de la vida humana inocente. Debemos resistir la tentación de despreciarnos unos a otros y, en cambio, abrazar nuestra dignidad inherente compartida". - Most. Rev. Paul. S. Coakley, arzobispo de la ciudad de Oklahoma