Father John Wade, a retired priest, died peacefully Dec. 20 at Porta Caeli House, the palliative care facility at Catholic Charities in Tulsa. He was age 90.
El Departamento de Educación Católica se ha enterado de una publicación preocupante que ha sido compartida esta semana en la plataforma de redes sociales TikTok entre estudiantes por todo el país. Esto ha sido parte de una tendencia nacional de TikTok y, hasta donde sabemos, no se originó localmente. Mientras no creemos que la amenaza sea creíble en este momento en nuestra comunidad local, estamos monitoreando cercanamente la situación y tomándola en serio. La publicación se refiere a una amenaza a la seguridad "para todas las escuelas en los Estados Unidos, incluso la primaria", el viernes 17 de diciembre.
The Catholic Education Department has become aware of a troubling post that is being shared this week on the social media platform TikTok. This has been part of a national TikTok trend and to our knowledge did not originate locally. While we do not believe the threat to be credible at this time in our local community, we are closely monitoring the situation and taking it seriously. The post refers to a threat to school safety “for every school in the USA, even elementary,” on Friday, December 17.
VATICAN CITY (CNS) — With Christmas just over a week away, Christians should prepare for Jesus’ birth by serving those in need rather than focusing on what awaits them under the Christmas tree, Pope Francis said.
“Venid, fieles todos” (“O Come All Ye Faithful”) es uno de nuestros villancicos más queridos. Repetimos su alegre estribillo a lo largo del himno: "Venid, adoremos".
CIUDAD DE MÉXICO – Jesús Martínez Aguilar caminó dos días desde el estado de Puebla hasta la Basílica de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, llegando al atardecer en la víspera de la fiesta del 12 de diciembre. Posó para un selfi con su familia a las puertas de la basílica, luego se preparó para entrar y darle gracias a la patrona.
“The dignity of human life must never be undermined even in the case of someone who has done great evil. The death penalty does little to heal the wounds of grief and loss, and only perpetuates the violence we are seeking to eradicate. Oklahoma’s leaders must begin a conversation about how capital punishment aligns with our pro-life values. Please pray for the innocent victims of this crime and for the soul of the condemned.”
During Advent and Christmas seasons helping people in need has become part of our culture. The Saint Vincent de Paul Society works year-round to help those less fortunate or who are facing a food crisis.
In this issue of the Sooner Catholic, we are including short Christmas traditions from various priests, educators and Catholic laypeople in the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City.
SHAWNEE – Saint Gregory’s Abbey received Kyle A. Hankins into the community as a novice on Dec. 7. He received the name “Brother Matthew” during the ceremony.
Throughout the colorful history of the Church in Oklahoma, there have been esteemed clerics whose life and work were powerful witnesses to a life of service.
SHATTUCK – Every night from Christmas Eve throughout the Christmas season parishioners at Holy Name Catholic Church leave the light’s on in the picturesque church as a sign to those passing by of God’s presence within, and as a means of proclaiming the Gospel without words.
Mercy Hospital Oklahoma City has been named a “Best Hospital for Maternity” by U.S. News & World Report for its dedication to providing high quality, safe delivery experiences for mothers and babies. Mercy is the only hospital in Oklahoma City to receive this recognition.
Advent season is a time of great excitement and preparation for the coming of Jesus! It is a time when many families celebrate with the lighting of an Advent wreath, with prayer and Advent devotionals, by hanging decorations and erecting a Christmas tree. For some, like our family, the celebration includes reading family Christmas stories.
A recent article in the New York Times by Gina Kolata chronicles the remarkable story of a patient who for many years suffered from type 1 diabetes. After receiving a newly-developed form of embryonic stem cell infusion, he became able to live insulin-free, apparently cured of his blood sugar imbalances.