¿Qué es el crédito tributario por elección de los padres? A partir del año fiscal 2024, se permite un crédito reembolsable del impuesto sobre la renta para ciertos contribuyentes de Oklahoma que pagan, o esperan pagar, la matrícula y las cuotas a una escuela privada elegible en nombre de un estudiante elegible. Un contribuyente elegible es alguien que está sujeto a las leyes fiscales del estado de Oklahoma, y que es padre biológico o adoptivo, abuelo, tía, tío, tutor legal, custodio u otra persona con autoridad legal para actuar en nombre del estudiante elegible.
ROMA - Mientras Karen Jones observaba a su hijo doblar la esquina tras el baldacchino de Bernini en la Basílica de San Pedro de Roma, se llenó de orgullo y pensó: "¡Está sucediendo de verdad!"
Durante este mes de octubre se ha desarrollado en Roma un acontecimiento especial. Hace tres años, el papa Francisco convocó a una consulta mundial que culminará este mes con lo que denominó el “Sínodo sobre la Sinodalidad”. Pero ¿de qué se trata? ¿Qué es concretamente un sínodo, un sínodo de obispos?
During October, a special event has been taking place in Rome. Three years ago, Pope Francis called for a worldwide consultation that would culminate this month with what he called a “Synod on Synodality.” So, what is it all about? What is a synod, a synod of bishops, specifically?
ROME – As Karen Jones watched her son round the corner behind Bernini's baldacchino at Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome she was filled with pride and the thought that “It’s really happening!”
Many men feel a call from God to serve the Church through the Sacrament of Holy Orders – to serve the Church faithfully as a priest. Others feel called to the Sacrament of Matrimony – to help their spouse get to Heaven and raise a family with Catholic values. Those who enter the married life can still serve in an ordained ministry, however, and men interested in leadership in their parish can become a deacon. Men can discern that call through the archdiocesan Permanent Diaconate Program.
What is the Parental Choice Tax Credit? Beginning in tax year 2024, a refundable income tax credit is allowed for certain Oklahoma taxpayers who pay, or expect to pay, tuition and fees to an eligible private school on behalf of an eligible student. An eligible taxpayer is someone who is subject to the tax laws of the state of Oklahoma, and who is a biological or adoptive parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, legal guardian, custodian or other person with legal authority to act on behalf of the eligible student.
November is Native American Heritage Month. It’s a time to honor the sacrifices and contributions of American Indians to their country, their community and their faith.
Joyful and excited groups and individual Catholics of all ages, but especially youth and young adults, filled The Cathedral of Our Lady of Perpetual Help on the evening of Sept. 21.
The parishioners and volunteers at Saint Joseph Catholic Church in Ada were enthusiastic over the fact that its major fundraiser will be returning to the original format. They will be able to offer the community the options of dining in, taking out, shopping at the parish bazaar, buying tamales or purchasing goods at the parish bake sale from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. on Nov. 5. Over the past few years, COVID-19 had limited the program to take-out only.
n Sept. 30, Father Peter Shults, O.S.B., led the first retreat in the fall series of the Days of Reflection at Saint Gregory’s Abbey in Shawnee. The theme addressed the teachings of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, a French Carmelite nun (1873-1897) also known as “Little Flower,” and her “little way” of living a joyful life of humility and charity through simple everyday actions done with great love. The Day of Reflection coincided with the 126th anniversary of her death.
It was a late Sunday morning at Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic Church in Newkirk. Shortly after Mass, a long row of tables in the church gym was covered with a variety of dishes, from fried chicken to salads, chips and dips, and desserts. Kids played outside on the playground, in bouncy houses, and colored their own pumpkins to take home to their families.
Bishop Theophile Meerschaert’s indomitable courage and grit in sometimes hostile environments was legendary. Traversing streams on horseback, braving blizzards to impart the sacraments and taking sometimes convoluted routes by train to find Catholics in the far-flung areas of the state of Oklahoma were commonplace.
Corpus Christi Catholic Church, 1616 N. Kelley Ave. in Oklahoma City, will be hosting an old fashion-style tent revival Oct. 27-29 on the church grounds. The theme will be “I Have Decided To Follow Jesus,” and the featured evangelist is Father Anthony Bozeman, director of education at Saint Joseph’s Seminary in Washington, D.C. He is known for his motivating and charismatic style and is a frequent speaker at National Black Catholic Congress conferences.
This biography on Saint Athanasius, the Patriarch of Alexandria, is part of Mike Aquilina's series on the Church Fathers. I have previously reviewed his first book in this series, "Saint Irenaeus.”
The first session of the “Synod on Synodality,” currently meeting in Rome, is slated to be followed by a second such month-long affair in October 2024. Both aim to build a “Synodal Church of Communion, Participation and Mission,” which is certainly a laudable goal. Two weeks into Synod-2023, however, it must be asked whether the Synod’s methodology is conducive to serious conversation characterized by the “parrhesia” – the frank speaking – so often recommended by Pope Francis.
On Thursday, Sept. 28, 18 seminarians from the Pontifical North American College were ordained to the transitional diaconate during a celebration of the Eucharist by Archbishop Paul Coakley.
El vino ocupa un lugar especial en el ideario católico. A lo largo de la Biblia, el vino representa un don de Dios para su pueblo y Jesús incluso promete que ese gran don estará presente en el Reino de Dios (Lucas 22,18).
Wine holds a special place in the Catholic imagination. Throughout the Bible, wine represents God’s gift to his people, and Jesus even promises that such a great gift will be present in heaven (Lk 22:18).
Archbishop Paul Coakley announced Father Richard Stansberry as the inaugural president of Bishop McGuinness Catholic High School under its new governance model on Sept. 29, 2023. The appointment is effective July 1, 2024.