Career Readiness Classes will be held from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. beginning Jan. 14 at the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City Holy Angels Education Center, 317 N. Blackwelder Ave. in Oklahoma City. To enroll, call (405) 361-3006 or e-mail [email protected]. The classes are in collaboration with Goodwill Central Oklahoma.
Antes de la Navidad, parroquias a través del país conmemoran el viaje y los eventos que vivieron José y María antes del nacimiento del Señor Jesucristo con una celebración: Las Posadas.
Prior to Christmas, parishes throughout the country commemorate the journey and events experienced by Joseph and Mary before the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ with a celebration: Las Posadas.
Reverend Nerio Espinoza has been released from the Diocese of Trujillo in Venezuela and incardinated as a priest of the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City, effective Dec. 3, 2024.
After the Lord’s ascension, the apostles traveled to the ends of the known world, spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ. Tradition holds that Thomas traveled the furthest, introducing the Gospel to the people in present day India. He later died in that faraway land, and a magnificent Basilica was built atop his tomb. He has been revered in India since.
Mount St. Mary Catholic High School recently hosted the Oklahoma City National Memorial & Museum's “Journey of Hope” as part of a statewide initiative to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing.
It’s an early December day. A handful of men and women are gathered in a meeting room on the campus of the Homeless Alliance in Oklahoma City.
Percussion instruments begin a tempo and a tall woman with a broad smile stands before the group humming a key range.
It’s rehearsal day for the Joyful Noise Choir.
On Nov. 15, more than 100 Christ the King Catholic School alumni attended an open house and reminisced with classmates and faculty and toured the school in conjunction with the Oklahoma City school’s 75th anniversary.
More than 60 Texans gathered on Dec. 5 in Fort Worth at the home of Lydia and Vice Admiral Bill Moore to share the story of Blessed Stanley Rother’s martyrdom with fresh faces.
by Owen Canfield, director of the Catholic Schools Opportunity Fund
Do you pay Oklahoma state income taxes?
Would you prefer to use your tax dollars to help children receive a Catholic school education instead of simply sending that money to the state?
If the answer to both questions is yes, then consider giving to the Catholic Schools Opportunity Fund before the year ends.
With the season of Advent offering preparation for the birth of Christ, Bishop McGuinness Catholic High School students and faculty have been reflecting on the greatest gifts they have been given and the people they are thankful for.
To steal a quote from “Encanto” (a prime favorite among the MSM student body in the category of animated films), “every year our family blessings grow.”
Following the end of Our Lady of Guadalupe novena, we started the week of the 9th with a special Mass celebrating both the Immaculate Conception and Our Lady of Guadalupe. The entire school gathered in the gymnasium first thing in the morning and reflected on the events that called for such a celebration. We all joined hearts and gathered for Mass in unity.
Father Albert Haase, O.F.M., a Franciscan priest who resides in San Antonio, spent 11 years as a missionary in China before he was kicked out. He has written several books on spirituality, has been a presenter on streaming videos and has a website at
Update: The Day of Reflection scheduled for Jan. 11 has been rescheduled to Feb. 1.
Day of Reflection, “Beauty So Ancient and So New: Falling in Love with the Mass Again” presented by Fr. Peter Shults, O.S.B. is 8:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. Feb. 1 at St. Gregory's Abbey, 1900 W. MacArthur St. in Shawnee. Attendees must pre-register by e-mailing [email protected], via the link at or call (405) 878-5656. Cost $30 pre-paid or $35 at the door. Lunch included.