La Oficina del Ministerio Hispano de la Arquidiócesis de Oklahoma City organizará el Festival de Matachines de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. el 21 de septiembre en el Bl. Stanley Rother Shrine, 700 S.E. 89 St. en Oklahoma City. Todos los grupos de Matachines están invitados y pueden inscribirse en Se otorgará un reconocimiento a los mejores intérpretes. Póngase en contacto con Connie Diaz en el (405) 728-3561, [email protected].
P: Sé que durante la Misa los sacerdotes se inclinan ante Jesús en el sagrario, pero a veces se inclinan ante el altar. ¿Por qué los sacerdotes se inclinan a veces ante el altar?
En el 2007, después de un sínodo de obispos, el papa Benedicto XVI escribió una exhortación apostólica para toda la Iglesia sobre el tema de la Eucaristía.
In 2007, Pope Benedict XVI wrote a teaching letter on the topic of the Eucharist to the entire Church following a synod of bishops. In that letter he writes, “The Eucharist is constitutive of the Church's being and activity.
The National Catholic Sisters Week (March 8-14) has been celebrated in the U.S. since 2014 to recognize women religious and their ministries, as well as to educate and encourage young women to consider religious life as their vocation.
Blake Gibson, now 41, figured he’d been dealing with depression since junior high school. The worst kind of depression, too, sometimes resulting in suicidal thoughts.
St. Isidore of Seville Catholic Virtual School is a full time, K-12, tuition free, online Catholic charter school in the state of Oklahoma. Yes, St. Isidore of Seville Catholic Virtual School is accredited by the Accreditation Standards Division of the Oklahoma State Department of Education.
Practically the face of Bishop McGuinness Catholic High School due to her 41 years of dedicated service, Sister Stephanie Sanchez is remembered with great affection by the students and faculty.
Paul and Tracy Satterfield couldn’t be happier in their marriage. The high school sweethearts are faithful members of Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Overland Park, Kansas, and celebrating their 35th anniversary this year.
Students from Saint James Catholic School in Oklahoma City enjoyed a special trip. And a special victory. Seventh graders from the school traveled in December to Madrid, Spain, for the International Competition of Creative Youth Projects, “Vive La Musique,” winning with an organ constructed out of recycled paper.
Josiah Presley carries a unique perspective to the pro-life mission. He’s an abortion survivor. “We’re pro-life because we believe that all life matters, not just people like you or people who believe the same things,” Presley said. “It’s not enough to care, but you have to care well.”
An exhibit of the Eucharistic miracles compiled by Blessed Carlo Acutis was recently displayed in the Frassati Chapel at Bishop McGuinness Catholic High School, one of several stops across the state to feature the work of Acutis.
The story of Blessed Carlo Acutis has deeply impacted people around the world, his conviction serving as an example to people of all faiths. However, it is his influence on young adults that has given Blessed Carlo such remarkable distinction in the Catholic church.
Tony and James attend Plainview Intermediate School and Saint Mary Catholic Church in Ardmore. They are typical youth interested in sports and video games. When their 70-year-old grandfather took them recently to adoration, something surprising happened to the young boys.
Catholics around the world must embrace the idea of becoming evangelists of the faith, author and theologian George Weigel told members of the Assembly of Catholic Professionals during their meeting in February.
by Owen Canfield, director of the Tax Credit Scholarship program
Hundreds of students seeking a Catholic school education in 2024-25 will benefit from the $1.77 million in gifts made to the Tax Credit Scholarship program during 2023.
Lent is a 40-day liturgical season of fasting, special prayer and almsgiving in preparation for Easter. Pope Francis recently suggested that “Lent immerses us in a bath of purification and it means looking within ourselves and acknowledging our real identity, removing the masks we so often wear, slowing the frantic pace of our lives and embracing the truth of who we are.”
In January, the Oklahoma Catholic Daughters of the Americas celebrated the 100th Anniversary of Court Salve Regina No. 847 in El Reno. They began with Holy Mass led by Sacred Heart Pastor Father Lance Warren, with dinner following.
Twenty-nine present and past members of Saint Bridget’s Guild gathered at Legends Restaurant to celebrate 50 years of stewardship (time, talent, treasure) to the Norman community and discuss treasured memories of their past.