Where can you find two men, friends from age 5, who are still best friends 30 years later, celebrating their faith? At the Oklahoma Catholic Men’s Conference in Norman.
George Rigazzi sat comfortably in his makeshift office tucked behind the stage inside the conference room at the Catholic Pastoral Center, surrounded by the passions of his life.
Each second Sunday of Easter, April 7 this year, the Catholic Church worldwide celebrates Divine Mercy Sunday, instituted by Pope Saint John Paul II on April 22, 2020.
With a unanimous recommendation of the search committee and the director of Catholic education, Father William Novak announced the hiring of Jenny Lang as the sixth principal of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School in Edmond, effective immediately.
As a college student, one young man spent about as much time working as he did attending classes. His experience drove his decision to create a scholarship endowment at the Catholic Foundation of Oklahoma.
Nationally recognized concert organist Todd Wilson will perform an organ concert at 6 p.m. on April 7 at Christ the King Catholic Church, 8005 Dorset Drive in Nichols Hills
A sweeping decision by the Alabama Supreme Court in February sent shock waves through the world of assisted reproduction. Justice Jay Mitchell, writing on behalf of the court’s 7-2 majority, concluded that human embryos in IVF clinics “are ‘children,’ … without exception based on developmental stage, physical location, or any other ancillary characteristics.”
Father Don Wolf detailed a mission for priests to bring the reconciling love of the Father to the world, standing before priests, deacons, Archbishop Coakley and others March 26 during his opening remarks inside The Cathedral of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Oklahoma City.