P: Si un bebé de 3 meses, de una familia católica, fallece inesperadamente y aún no ha sido bautizado, ¿se le puede permitir una misa de funeral católica?
Mientras vivimos estos años de Avivamiento Eucarístico en los Estados Unidos, se nos invita a redescubrir los fundamentos de nuestra fe eucarística y a experimentarlos de nuevo.
As we live these years of Eucharistic Revival in the United States, we are invited to rediscover the basics of our Eucharistic faith and experience them anew.
Very Rev. Richard D. Stansberry, J.C.L. President of Bishop McGuinness Catholic High School, Oklahoma City; continuing as Rector of The Cathedral of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Oklahoma City
The first time Jonah Beckham thought about the priesthood, he was in the perpetual adoration chapel at Saint John the Baptist Catholic Church in Edmond. He was 13.
When John Grim was a child, he spent a lot of time at his grandparents’ house where there often was a priest around, always part of the family. So, at age 8, he added “priest” to the list of things he wanted to be, along with firefighter, Olympic athlete, business tycoon and soldier.
As Christians we are called to surrender our sufferings and live as Christ. (1 Peter 4:1-2 “Therefore, since Christ suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, for whoever suffers in the flesh has broken with sin.”)
As another school year winds down, students are eager to hang up their backpacks for the summer and trade learning activities for outdoor adventures. The classroom will be the last thing in many people’s thoughts for a while.
Addressing priests, Saint Teresa of Calcutta once said, “Priest of God, celebrate this Mass as if it was your first Mass, your last Mass and your only Mass.”
by Owen Canfield, director of the Catholic Schools Opportunity Fund
For the past many years, individuals and businesses have helped children attend Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City by giving to the Tax Credit Scholarship program.
The 2024 National Council of Catholic Women Convention will be held Aug. 13-17 at the Omni Oklahoma City Hotel. Keynote speakers Katie McGrady and ValLimar Jansen will address the convention theme: Called to an Encounter with Jesus. McGrady is a Catholic radio host, international speaker and author. Jansen is an inspirational/catechetical speaker, singer, composer and recording artist. Local tours of the Blessed Stanley Rother Shrine and the Oklahoma City National Memorial & Museum will be available for participants. Convention information is available on the national website nccw.org. For information about volunteering for this event, contact Becky VanPool at (405) 834-3782 or [email protected].
P: En los últimos años, ha habido un aumento en el número de feligreses que reciben la Sagrada Eucaristía en la lengua, como era la única forma hace algunas décadas. Por supuesto, también está permitido recibir la Eucaristía en las manos. Pero ¿tienen los sacerdotes alguna preferencia? ¿Existe algún movimiento para volver exclusivamente a la comunión en la lengua? Seguro que hay curiosidad en las parroquias.
Most dioceses in the United States celebrate the Solemnity of the Ascension on the Seventh Sunday of Easter. In select dioceses, this solemnity is a holy day of obligation on May 9.