P: A mí me ensenaron que hay un primer juicio y un juicio final. No pensé que seríamos levantados al cielo de repente (Rapto), asumiendo que somos creyentes. ¿Es Apocalipsis para nosotros, o para los primeros cristianos? ¿Qué importancia tiene para nosotros hoy? Me parece extraño. Claro, fui criada con el catecismo de Baltimore. He estado leyendo la Biblia, tratando de ponerme al día.
As a young girl, Lucy Marie Fitzmorris found her path to the religious life through a simple, yet impactful encounter: a suggestion from a sister to consider the Order of Saint Benedict.
INDIANAPOLIS – At the close of the National Eucharistic Congress’ final Mass, Bishop Andrew H. Cozzens of Crookston, Minnesota, asked the crowd of 60,000 gathered in Lucas Oil Stadium July 21 if they would take their love of the Eucharist and the church, strengthened over the five days of the congress, and identify one person in their life to intentionally evangelize.
John Smith stood atop the medal stand in Seoul, South Korea, gold draped around his neck, watching the American flag rise while the national anthem rang from the speakers, catching glances and smiles from family and friends in the crowd.
The Holy Spirit is certainly active in the men of the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City. Some four dozen applications to deacon formation have been received from men interested in the ministries of charity, word and liturgy.
Q: I was taught that there was a first judgement and a last judgement. I didn't think that we would be lifted into heaven suddenly (Rapture), assuming we were believers. Is Revelation for us, or was it for the early Christians? What relevance does it have for us today? It seems so bizarre to me. Of course, I was reared on the Baltimore Catechism. I have been reading the Bible, trying to catch up.
I arrived in Lugo, Spain, at 6:30 a.m., in cold weather of about 40-50 degrees, with scattered drizzle. It was still dark on the road except for those participating in the pilgrimage. There was no one left, not a single trace of local people.
Seems reasonable that the quest for the perfect soul mate should start with a list.
Many single Catholics ask themselves: “What should I be looking for in a spouse?” Thus, the need for the list. Is there a make-it-or-break-it list of minimums out there to help guide Catholic singles discerning married life? But who’s list? And where is this list? Can it be trusted? Is it foolproof?
In wooded hills northeast of Oklahoma City, a group of fathers and sons gathered for a weekend of spiritual growth, relaxation and an exploration of true masculinity.
And to focus on family.
Joseph Donald Cahill, priest of the Marianist Residence Community in San Antonio, Texas, died June 18, 2024, at the age of 95 with 74 years of religious profession.
The “Catechism of the Catholic Church” says some interesting things about charity, the supreme theological virtue that, as St. Paul wrote in Colossians 3:14, “binds everything together in perfect harmony.”
El Santuario del Beato Stanley Rother está emocionado de invitar a la comunidad a una serie de eventos celebrando el Día de la Fiesta del propio Beato Stanley Rother de Oklahoma, que tendrá lugar desde el viernes 26 de julio hasta el domingo 28 de julio. Este fin de semana está lleno de ac:vidades que honran el legado del Beato Stanley Rother y ofrecen oportunidades para la oración, la reunión comunitaria y la sanación.
The Blessed Stanley Rother Shrine invites the community to a series of events celebrating the Feast Day of Oklahoma's own Blessed Stanley Rother, taking place from Friday, July 26 to Sunday, July 28. This weekend is packed with activities that honor the legacy of Blessed Stanley Rother and offer opportunities for prayer, community gathering and healing.
The Blessed Stanley Rother Shrine had an incredible first year, welcoming more than 120,000 visitors who filled the museum and walked the pathway to Tepeyac Hill on their pilgrimage.
The Blessed Stanley Rother Shrine, a beacon of faith and community, owes its success to the dedication and passion of its volunteers. Since its inception, volunteers have been the linchpin of the shrine’s operations, embodying the spirit and mission of Blessed Stanley Rother. Looking back on the shrine's growth in its first year and beyond, it’s essential to express gratitude to those who have given their time, skills and energy to make it thrive.
Acknowledging the efforts
P: En el Evangelio según San Mateo 7,13, Jesús nos instruye a "entrad por la entrada estrecha"... y "qué angosto el camino que lleva a la Vida! Y pocos son los que lo encuentran.” ¿Nos tomamos esto suficientemente en serio los cristianos? ¿Cuán pocos son? ¿Y cómo nos aseguramos de que estamos en el camino hacia la entrada estrecha?