2. The second one is "Adoración Nocturna" (Nocturnal Adoration):
a) Sacred Heart OKC / Every second Friday of the month at 7pm in Church/Contact Abel Gómez 405-885-8791
b) St. James OKC / Every 3rd Friday of the month at 7pm in church / Contact Dcn. Arnoldo Moreno 405-602-4877
c) St. Eugene OKC / Every 1st Friday of the month / Contact Dcn. Adolfo Alemán 405-593-4853
d) Holy Name of Jesus Chickasha / Every 2nd Friday of the month / Contact Yayo Méndez 405-201-4185
e) St. Monica OKC/ Every 1st Saturday of each month / Contact Dominga Olvera 405-509-0706